Helpless new kid

227 1 907

(for the sake of everything, they're in college)

Dib thought nothing of it when a new kid entered the classroom. Nothing at all, other than the fact that this boy was always glancing at him. They'd made accidental eye contact on multiple occasions, and every time Dib found himself blushing and looking away.

This had been going on a couple of days now, which was a little awkward for the two.

It didn't help that Zim seemed to have literally no knowledge of romance or anatomy. He'd asked miss Bitters multiple times exactly which gender carried babies, what counts as flirting, how to write love letters, and other questions. In front of the rest of the class. As a paranormal investigator, Dib was curious about these actions. But it wasn't enough to tip him off about anything.

Zim was a little glad Dib never caught on. As his target, Dib needed to not know until he had seduced him. Not that his information gathering was going well... He knows less now than when he started, aside from the fact that FEMALE humans carried offspring, which confused him.

As a rebel of the Irken empire, Zim had a hard time finding a proper mate. It didn't help that his Pak would glitch and his homemade Gir unit was more defective than him. Most rebels were sick or incompatible with Irkens, too, so Zim wasn't able to carry any children. Because of this, Zim won't have a next generation to help him keep fighting in the future, and with Irkens pumping out clones that puts him at a major disadvantage.

So he went on a private mission to find a compatible mate. And what he found was Earth. More specifically, an Earth boy with great potential, not just as a mate but as a partner. Made Zim's squidilly sqush all tingly thinking about him.

Today was what humans called a "weekend", and there wasn't any school. Instead, Zim set out to find Dib in a more casual atmosphere, hopefully talk with him better than he could at school, since everything was tense and loud there.

He found Dib at the public pool, sitting with his feet in the water at the edge. Zim walked over, about to sit beside him when something hit him in the back of the head, Knocking him in head first. Confused and scared, Zim let out a gargled scream as his skin felt like it was on f i r e. He could barely see as Dib dove in after him, clothing and all.

Dib brought him out, laying him on the ground as onlookers stared. "Idiot- why come to the pool if you can't swim..." Dib grumbles, checking his chest to make sure Zim was breathing. When he realized he was, he sighed in relief, sitting up as his shirt stuck to his chest.

Zim had slipped into a state of semi-consciousness, and without thinking much he mumbled "thank you...". He snapped back when Dib's eyes widened in alarm, and Zim realized he'd said it in Irken.

Well fuck.

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