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Namjoon (POV)

Where the fuck was the medic!

He could see that whoever had attacked her had cut her pretty bad. Though it wasn't anything life threatening he still wanted to stop the bleeding. 

She laid in his arms as still as could be. Not moving but breathing.

How could he have left her alone? How could he have allowed her to be put in this situation? He had promised to protect her dammit!


"I'm over here!"

Namjoon was relieved to hear his friend coming.

"There you are. I just got off the phone with the doctor he should be here in about 5 minutes." J-Hope said as he ran towards his friend who was on the floor with his wife. He could see how he was trying to be there for her while she was in such a fragile state. J-Hope has never seen his friend like this before. Not even with his closest friends.

"Did they find the asshole who broke in," was all Namjoon said. No emotion behind his voice whatsoever.

"Let's talk about that later... right now maybe you should move (y/n) to the bedroom so she can be more comfortable. I'll grab something to help with the bleeding on her arm and I'll meet you upstairs. Or do you need help carrying her?"

"I got her."

With that he placed one arm under her legs and the other around her shoulders and lifted her up with ease. He kept in mind to be careful with her injured arm as he carried her up to their shared bedroom. J-Hope quickly followed with a wet town to wrap around her arm to help with the bleeding until the doctor could arrive.

"You know she's going to be ok,"J-Hope said trying his best to comfort his friend.

"She should have never been put in this situation in the first place."

"You know this isn't your fault right?"

"How the fuck is this not my fault Hope!"

It was then that they heard a small knock at the door.

"Mr.Kim it's me the doctor may I come in?"


"I'll wait outside and check on everything else you stay here with your wife we will deal with everything else."

Namjoon just gave him a small nod.

The doctor looked over (y/n) to make sure that all of her vitals were ok, which they were. Afterwards he looked at her arm and bandages her up.

"Your wife is alright Mr. Kim"

"Then why did she faint and why is she still not awake?"

"She suffered a traumatic event unfortunately and more than likely fainted because she became very overwhelmed. Given that she fought back her body was under a lot of stress and gave out as soon as she realized she was safe with you. Don't worry when she's ready she will wake up. However I'd like for her to go to my office tomorrow or the day after to have a full check up just to be safe."

"Thank you doctor I'll make sure she is there. I appreciate you coming at such a late hour and at such short notice."

"All part of the job Mr Kim, maybe you should also get some rest you're no good to your wife if you also are in a bad state of mind."

"I'll keep that in mind . Let me walk you out."

As Namjoon had escorted the doctor out he saw J-Hope and the rest of the guys waiting in his living room. He had a bad feeling that he was about to hear something he wouldn't like.

Jin was the first one to say anything,
"J-hope you already know pretty much anything that's going to be discussed why don't you and and Tae go upstairs and keep an eye on (Y/N) while we talk with Namjoon."

"Alright well let you know if anything changes with her."

They both turned to head upstairs leaving the others to deal with a very pissed off Namjoon.

"So what do we have?"

Suga looked at him with a grim look, "They got away..."

Without even thinking Namjoon knocked over a glass decorative piece that was in the room causing it to shatter all over the place.


"Look we don't know how but whoever was inside obviously had someone helping them. They must have seen us coming and left right away.....Also I don't think it was a stranger the person had to have known the layout of the house to be able to get out so quick." Suga remained calm and collected the whole time when explaining the situation to Namjoon.

"Why do I feel like we keep taking steps back. We aren't anywhere near knowing what the hell is going to happen next."

"Look for right now all we know is that (Y/N) is obviously a focus point for whoever is behind this. So let's start there alright?" Jimin has chimed into the conversation trying his best to keep everyone as calm as they could be.

"I agree with Jimin and for now let's just make sure that at all times (Y/N) has someone with her. She is never to be left alone....understood?" Kookie now also stepping in to discuss the security aspect.

All Namjoon could do right now was try to calm down.

Rubbing his head he just responded with "alright. For now all of you can stay here and help me watch over the house until we have a better grasp of the situation."


"What J-Hope?"

"I think she's awake"

Author's Note
One day I'm going to have a rhythm when it comes to writing. Lol I swear I don't mean to make you all wait so long it's like I blink and BAM it's been a month and I'm like OMG I need to write the next chapter. Also I see your messages and they always bring me such joy to see how you all have responded to my story. Please keep them coming. Lastly thank you all for your love I purple you 💜

Let's Make a Deal (Mafia AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora