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The rest of the car ride was spent in silence not really feeling like talking. After being taken by surprise by the news and then having given Namjoon the last bit of energy in fighting with didn't feel anything anymore. You were exhausted both physically and emotionally.  It wasn't long after talking with J-Hope that you had drifted to sleep in the car.

Next thing you knew you felt a hand on your shoulder slightly shaking you awake.

"(Y/N) wake up we're here."

You had forgotten that J-Hope was the person who had taken you from the house. After fully waking up from your short nap you started to take in your surroundings and came to the conclusion that you actually didn't even know where you were. Looking around you were surrounded by trees and had noticed that you no longer were in the city. At the end of the driveway was a decent sized home that still seemed to be nicer than any home you had ever lived in, well besides the one that you just fled in a fit of rage.

"Where are we J-Hope? You were suppose to take me to a hotel so I could figure stuff out not bring me to the middle of nowhere to live off the land. Don't tell me that you're planning on killing me here cause I'm already having a shitty day and dying would just make it 100 times worse."

Rolling his eyes J-Hope headed to the back of the car and opened the trunk to grab the little bit of clothing and other necessities that you brought with you from the trunk.

"You sure do fucking overthink you know that right? Look I couldn't take you to a hotel because in case you forgot someone is obviously trying to actually kill you and while you maybe annoying believe it or not that person isn't me. Besides Namjoon would have my ass.  This is one of our safe houses. You should be ok to stay here until you both decide what you wanna do."

"You're not gonna tell him I'm here are you J-Hope?"

"Come on (Y/N) you know I have to tell him. Look I'll be sure to tell him to leave you alone and that you will reach out if you want to but this is about keeping you safe.....both of you safe."

You knew that he wasn't going to budge on the situation so you didn't continue to push anymore. All you did was give him a nod and with that you both headed toward the home. J-Hope would go on to show you around the house and tell you where everything was kept.

"Alright that should be everything. Don't forget that there are multiple guns around the house but you shouldn't need them that's just in case of an emergency. Now that we know you will be staying here me and the guys will be continuously monitoring the house. The guards are here so I'm going to head out for the night. If you need anything just send me a message."


"Are you ok?"

"It's just hit me that she's gone and I just don't know how to deal with you know if any arrangements have been made?"

"I do not. Why don't you ask him?"

You gave J-Hope a look that was the definition of if looks could kill.

"......or not. Look eventually you're going to have to talk to him. Whether you like it or not....there are more things you need to talk about with him......OBVIOUSLY" J-Hope said while looking at your belly.

Instinctively you placed your hand over your belly to shield it. Feeling that this was going to make it better for the both of you. Without saying anything you just turned and walked back into the house not saying anything else to J-Hope. As you closed the door behind you that was it. Nothing was holding you back anymore and so with that you fell to your knees and you cried.

You cried for your sister. You cried for the baby that you just barely that day realized you were carrying. You cried for the man who had broken your trust and your heart. More than anything you cried for yourself. It felt like the world had swept the carpet from underneath you and you were devastated. How does one live with this pain in their heart? Does it ever go away hell does it ever just not hurt as bad.

The past few days had been a mess and you had truly been through so much but all you could focus on was your sister. So many emotions had taken over. Sadness, confusion , you were even angry but more than anything you were simply devastated.

You weren't suppose to die at a young age, or at least that's what everyone always says. We are suppose to grow old and be filled with memories and then at the end of this amazing journey you die at an old age with no regrets. So why did that not become her reality. Yes the relationship between you two was difficult to say the least but she was your sister and you loved her. J-Hope was right in saying that she was fighting her own demons because she was and because of that there were times that you felt as though you did hate her and the decision she had made. Though if you're being honest you've always felt that you could only truly hate someone you honestly truly loved. Love and hate are intense emotions that at times go hand in hand. You loved your sister and nothing was going to make this pain go away.

You didn't know when but you knew you were going to have to be ok for you and for your new little bean but for right now you were going to allow yourself to mourn and tomorrow you would take it day by day.


(Namjoon POV)

As soon as she had walked out of that door it was like the air had been taken from him. He knew that she was going to be upset but he never would have thought that she would leave him. Why did it have to be this situation that allowed him to know for certain that she loved him and he loved her. Maybe because he just didn't know it until it was literally walking away from him.

Namjoon didn't know how long he stayed in that room just standing looking at the door but he knew eventually he was going to have to go downstairs and handle the situation at hand. He didn't know how she found out but one thing was a given.... someone was going to pay for the pain they put him through with this whole ordeal but more than anything they were going to pay for hurting her.

Taking one last look at the room he was about to walk out of their shared bedroom to talk with his friends and other members of his gang. Though just as he was reaching for the door handle to leave the room filled with the feelings of rage and revenged towards the people who did this to them a thought crossed his mind.

Who was going to make him pay for the role that he played in her heartache as well....

Authors Note:

Hello all of my amazing readers. This was a long wait....even longer than normal and I'm so so so so sorry. I was finishing grad school went on vacation and unfortunately I was also just working and time seemed to have gotten away from me. I appreciate all of you who continue to read my story and stay encouraging me to write with your sweet comments. Remember to stay safe and healthy. I purple you 💜

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