Late Night Conversations

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It was late when your plane landed and you were still pretty drowsy from sleeping on the plane. You and Namjoon had taken a car to a super fancy hotel but you were too exhausted to really take in your scenery. After having gotten the key to the suite that you would be staying in and then  you went into the room to get ready to get back to sleep. Like you said it was still very late and the flight had taken a toll on you so you were extremely tired. Without a thought in the world you went to the room and put on some comfy clothes to go to bed. Namjoon had gone into the bathroom so you just assumed he was getting ready to go back to sleep as well. Right before you were about to fall into a deep sleep he had come out of the only his boxers.


Before he started to get into the bed you had shut your eyes and pretended to be asleep. Still you felt the bed move when he went to lay next to you. You tried your best not to show how his appearance had affected you. But you had this feeling that you weren't doing such a good job. It was like you could hear your heart pounding in your chest just wanting to break out.

"Are you still awake?" Namjoon asked as he turned to lay on his side so that he could face you.

What do you do!?! Do we pretend to be asleep or do you answer him?? You're mind was once again going a thousand miles an hour.

"Ya" was the simple answer you gave him.

"Talk with me?" Was all he said but it wasn't a demand he was asking.

"What do you want to talk about?" Where was he going with this.

"You. Me. I don't know everything." He gave you a small laugh.

"You should laugh more often." You told him

"Oh yea? Why is that?"

"I like your laugh and besides you're always so serious it's nice to see this side of you." You had decided to answer him honestly since he was honest with you on the plane.

This was your life so you had to decide whether you were going to stay miserable or if you were actually going to put your best intentions forward to try and at least be ok.

So you decided that you were going to try just as he was.

"You're probably one of very few people who has actually been able to see this side of me." Was all he said.

"Thank you."

"For what exactly?"

"Making this as bearable as you could."

He didn't say anything at first it was almost as though he was stuck in thought.

"I don't want you to be miserable with me....."

"I'm not."

"At times I feel guilty for pushing you into this situation but at the same time I don't regret anything...I'm sorry for being selfish in that way."

He always had a way of making you really question him. However it was never in a bad way.

At times you genuinely believed that he cared for you but you didn't want to let you mind go there.

"I honestly don't know what to say. You have an amazing skill of making me feel so confused."

"Confused about what exactly?"

"Just the whole situation I guess. I should be more bitter a guess about the situation but I'm honestly not. I'm assuming that had a lot to do with you." You looked at him and gave him a small smile.

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