Dress Up

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Namjoon POV

It wasn't until she had turned her back that it hit him how harsh his words had really been. What made it even worse was the fact that he could hear her small sobs. Don't get me wrong he was known to be a ruthless man but never to those who didn't deserve it.  He never would hurt an innocent person.......but yet here you were crying beside him.

Maybe that's why he felt bad.... because he realized that  you were just an innocent person who got caught in a bad situation.

This was new to him just like it was for you. Just like you he was also trying to adjust.

All he could do was look at your figure and wonder how this was going to work.
Next Morning

You don't remember when you finally fell asleep but it wasn't shocking to wake up and find an empty bed. 

"Figures he'd be gone already." You said to yourself.

Afterwards you showered and made yourself somewhat presentable to the public but not before your stomach made the most inhuman noise you'd ever heard.

You were hungry. Per usual.

"Welp there's nothing in here to eat so might as well go see what I find cause starving is definitely not gonna happen."

As you were heading out the door  you noticed a little note on the nightstand.

"We have an event to go to tonight. Be ready by 7...it's formal"


Walking downstairs you made your way to the kitchen to see what you could make to calm the monster that was your stomach. 

"Hmmmm what am I about to stuff my face with?" You say as you were going through the fridge.

"Anything I can help with?"

"HOLY SHIZ SEONHWA you scared me half to death."

"Sorry bout that." She said while trying to contain the the huge grin from spreading across her face.

"If you're so sorry why are you trying not to laugh hmmmm"

"You're face was priceless."

"Ew I can only imagine what my face looked like." You say giving her a warm smile.

"Anyway is there something I could possibly get you?"

"You wouldn't happen to have chorizo would you?"

She looked at you with a puzzled face giving you the answer you were dreading.

"That's ok. Anything is fine I'm not picky."

"Alright I'll get started on it."

You sat there with her as she cooked making small talk. Even though you just got to your new "home" you knew that you probably would have gone crazy  by now if it weren't for her being so welcoming. You were beyond grateful for her at this moment.

"Do you need me to help you with getting ready for tonight?" She said which brought you right back to earth.

"Ahhhh so Im assuming he told you to help me right?"

"He did."

"Makes sense I suppose....have to keep up appearances....that's what I'm here for."

"I don't think that's the only reason."

"Whether it is or isn't only he knows. But I don't have anything to wear for that type of event. Got any ideas on what to do? "

"He's known about the event for awhile so he's already gone ahead and picked out a gown for you for tonight. All you need to worry about is hair and makeup and I can help you with that if you would like."

Let's Make a Deal (Mafia AU)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant