Chapter 48

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It was just after sunhigh when Swiftcloud and her patrol returned back to Grassclan's camp. Their jaws were full of prey from a successful hunt; their catches plumper than they'd been in moons. Each cat took their turn depositing their contribution to the fresh-kill pile. Then with a few mews of farewell they separated, ready to share tongues with family and friends around the clearing. Swiftcloud decided that she wanted to take the prized shrew she had caught to the elder's den. She made it about a quarter of the way to the gorse bush before stopping, a pang of sadness squeezing her heart. There weren't any elders around to feed anymore. They'd all died during the height of Leafbare. Like so many others in the clan.
Unsure of what to do, Swiftcloud instead decided to claim the shrew for herself, padding over to lounge in the shade of the warrior's den. She'd be dining alone today, both of her mates busy with their own duties at the moment. Swiftcloud dropped the prey at her paws, laying down before it with her head bowed. She whispered a silent prayer to Starclan then began tucking into her meal. Her stomach growled in appreciation, thankful to be filled after so long. The juicy meat of the shrew was just what she needed after that long walk through the meadow. Swiftcloud let out a satisfied purr once her meal was nothing more than fur and bone. She began to groom herself, continually trying to relax and forget about the upsetting events from earlier in the day. The hunt had helped her immensely with her stiffness and pain. But the activity could not quell the upset that had singed her heart when Whitestar had rejected her evidence. Swiftcloud understood why Whitestar would make the decision that she had. But it hadn't made the rejection any easier to bare. Swiftcloud decided that after relaxing for a little while more, she'd try and present her case to Dewstone instead. Perhaps she would receive a better result that way. Even though Snowfrost was Dewstone's aunt, Swiftcloud doubted the Code Keeper would allow her kinship with the guilty medicine cat to cloud her judgement. She was a very logical minded molly. She'd surely choose to believe evidence over her knowledge of her aunt's behavior and personality.
As Swiftcloud lounged, soaking in the beauty of the day, something odd caught her attention. The scent of a familiar yet highly unwelcomed patrol made its way into into nose. Alarmed, she let out a yowl, jumping up and racing to the bramble tunnel. Swiftcloud was the first alert, and the first cat whoever may be coming would get to see.
At her call, her clanmates began to gather around. Guards pushed their way to the front of the crowd, holding their heads high and puffing out their chests. Nosy apprentices weaved past awaiting warriors. Ashwhisker shooed the other camp-bound queens and kits into the nursery while he blocked the entrance, ready to defend his denmates without question. The last of the clan to present themself was Whitestar, who gracefully slipped past her cats to stand beside Swiftcloud.

"Do you smell that?" Swiftcloud asked her leader. "It smells like... the river?" There was something else entangled between the scents of the approaching Treeclan patrol and the boggy musk of the river as well. It was bitter, and too recognizable for Swiftcloud's liking. Her ears folded back against her head, her legs beginning to tremble. Something was terribly wrong. Before she even saw what it was, Swiftcloud already knew what sight was about to behold her.
Finally the visiting cats showed themselves, crawling through the bramble tunnel one by one. The first to appear was Cardinaltail, Treeclan's Code Keeper. His mostly white fur prickled with anxiety as he skulked past Swiftcloud to stand at Whitestar's side and turn. Whitestar gave the harmless tom a look which bore unspoken questions. Cardinaltail simply directed her towards his companions with a glance as they came into view.
The next cat to appear from the brambles was Embersong, Scarletpaw's mother. The dilute calico entered the clearing backwards, clearly dragging something along with her. She did not divert from her task, though her eyes did wander onto the enemy clan surrounding her. The fur on the back of her neck rose at the sight, her attention snapping back onto what she held in her jaws.
The third cat to enter the clearing did not do so by their own accord. The sopping wet body of a sleek silver tabby was hauled into the open with quite a bit of effort. The whole of Grassclan seemed to tense at the sight. Sharp gasps rose from the crowd and cats began to bristle, wide eyed with distraught. Swiftcloud too found herself in such a state as she recognized who this drenched cat was. Jaybird. Her body hung limply in the jaws of the Treeclan warriors who dragged her into the camp. Her eyes were shut tight, jaws parted as if in a silent cry for help. The scent of the river and death swirled around her in a thick musky cloud that made some cats in the front lines look as though they were ready to vomit. As more of the clan caught on to what had become of the beautiful queen, whines and wails of sorrow began to break the silence.

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