Chapter 40

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Relief remained just out of reach of Grassclan in the following half moon. So many in the clan were ill, and the path to self recovery seemed long off. Every kit in the nursery had caught greencough except for Lightkit. Two queens managed to keep well. However, Cricketsong and Ashwhisker were miserable. They were working themselves just as tirelessly as the remaining warriors. They had to, if not for the clan, then for their young kits.
There were only ten cats left able to hunt, not including the medicine cats. Cloverpetal and Bumblethroat had died a quarter moon ago from starvation. Rosebloom and Beetlepatch were barely clinging on to life. And worst of all, there wasn't enough herbs to heal everyone. The Gathering this moon proved to be unhelpful. Every clan was suffering the same as Grassclan; even Treeclan who they'd aided earlier in the season. There was nothing left in the Land's Star for anyone to spare. Or at least, that's what the clans had claimed. A distinct memory had seared itself into Swiftcloud's mind. The looks on the medicine cat's faces at the Gathering were guilty. It was anyone's guess as to why. Some of Grassclan had speculated it was because the medicine cats were not permitted to share their herbs. While more sympathetic cats believed it was because they felt helpless.
At home, Snowfrost was being stingy with the last bit of the clan's catmint. Mistyleaf suggested giving the herb to the kits. And Goldensong insisted the catmint go to Rosebloom. But none of those options seemed to be good enough candidates. Snowfrost kept making excuses, reasoning that the catmint would be better used on those who weren't so weak, and cats that didn't wish to die in order to be reunited with their dead lovers. Although angry, cats didn't seem willing to argue about this. Snowfrost was the clan's most senior medicine cat. She'd handled bad Leafbares before, she knew what she was doing. But Swiftcloud felt a pang of doubt inside of her. She wondered if Snowfrost was holding onto the herb in case anyone she cared about might become ill.

One day, when the sun briefly decided to shine, Swiftcloud sat out in Grassclan's clearing. In the morning she had gone on a hunting patrol, with a bit more success than normal. In a little while, she would go out to hunt again. But for now, the white and black patched molly would enjoy some free time, sunbathing by Tall Stone. A few other cats settled around nearby, but a silence remain between them. From the peace and quiet surrounding her, Swiftcloud began to hear harsh sobbing coming from the nursery. In response she jumped to her paws, jerking herself into that direction to find out what the wailing was about. She crouched, peering beneath the honeysuckle bush's branches to get a glimpse of the cats inside. Cricketsong was sitting in her nest, head bowed and shoulders quaking. Snowfrost was in front of her, her silver tail swaying against the wool lined floor. It seemed the medicine cat had some grim news to share.

"I'm sorry," she sighed, "there was nothing I could do to save them. The last of your kits has passed on."

Hearing the words only seemed to make Cricketsong cry more. Snowfrost remained in place as the grieving queen collapsed under the weight of her sorrow. Her cries seemed to echo through the whole of Grassclan's camp. Swiftcloud could feel the eyes of her clanmates on the back of her head. They must all be wondering about the news.

"You took my kits away from me, you fox-heart...!" Swiftcloud caught Cricketsong saying, pausing to catch her breath. "Why would you let this happen..? You have the herbs. Why couldn't you use them? Because your kits were taken away from you? Did you want others to understand how you feel? Does it bring you pleasure, to be so cruel?"
Swiftcloud's ears pricked immediately. Her kits..? Snowfrost was a mother?

Snowfrost's ears flattered against her head, a paw raised up to her chest in shock. Though her eyes narrowed, the medicine forced herself to be calm. "I have done nothing wrong," Snowfrost's voice was sure. "I did all I could with the resources that I have left." The medicine cat went out of her way to avoid making mention of her own kittens. Nor did she properly respond to Cricketsong's accusations. Or perhaps it only felt that way to Swiftcloud. She wanted to learn more about this new information. How had she not known before that Snowfrost had a litter? Maybe it was a secret kept among the queens? Swiftcloud knew they had their own Code to follow. Maybe hiding secrets like this was part of it. Still, curiousity burrowed itself into her brain like a tick to an elder's pelt. She needed to know more. But before she could even think about listening in to discover further information, Swiftcloud was spotted. Snowfrost locked eyes with the younger molly, a darkness within her icy gaze. Swiftcloud gulped, backing away from the den almost immediately. Her pelt burned hot with embarrassment. How could she let herself be so obvious?
With a rough shake, Swiftcloud was able to help the feeling mostly fade. But to cure her fluster completely, and to gather together her thoughts, Swiftcloud decided to take out an early hunting party. She called for the apprentices, Pollenpaw and Tulippaw. Then she padded over to speak with Frostfeather, who stood in front of the medicine den.

Signs Of The Moon Book 1: Moon RiseHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin