Chapter 21

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"Swiftpaw! Swiftpaw! Swiftpaw!" mewled Tulipkit as she bounced around Swiftpaw's legs. The patched apprentice was too busy fixing the nursery's bedding to reply at the moment, allowing the two and a half moon old kit to pester her. Tulipkit kept calling, causing some of the queens and Rabbitpaw to groan.

"For Starclan's sake, would you answer her already?" Rosebloom snapped. Swiftpaw jolted, dropping a wad of wool she was holding. The white spotted molly had become increasingly aggressive in the past few days. It came to no surprise that she was acting this way. Between the discomfort of her terribly swollen belly and her grief for the loss of Ryestep, nobody could blame her for wanting to go undisturbed.
Rabbitpaw let out a snicker beside his mother Jaybird who softly chided him for doing so. Swiftpaw dipped her head, mumbling an apology before turning to Tulipkit.


"Can you give me a tour around camp now? You were supposed to forever ago, but you forgot."

"I've been busy," Swiftpaw defended herself. "Between taking care of your denmates, and joining the occasional battle patrol, I've been up to my ears in things to do."

"Well you aren't really busy now!" Tulipkit puffed up her chest fur, pouting. Her brow was knit and her large green eyes focused on the apprentice."So can you show me around, please please pleeease?"
Swiftpaw let out a soft sigh, tucking the wad of wool back into the nest she had taken it from. She bent down to look the kitten in the eye. She could finish up changing the nursery's bedding later. 

"Sure, bunny. Let's get started."

Tulipkit squealed with delight, standing beside Swiftpaw as she crawled from under the nursery and walked her around, showing her dens and introducing her to clanmembers. Rabbitpaw followed behind, keeping a couple tail-lengths of distance between them. Everyone seemed relieved at the sight of the strong, energetic kit. It brought them hope. Soon enough, Tulipkit and her littermates would be apprentices, able to aid in the battles against Treeclan. Starclan only knew they needed more cats to help in the fight. Hopefully all of this will be over by then, Swiftpaw wished, holding back a sigh.  

"And as you already know, this is Tall Stone. In the crack on the side is where Whitestar sleeps," Swiftpaw meowed, concluding the tour.

"Wow really?" Tulipkit gasped, pelting over to the den. Before Swiftpaw or Rabbitpaw could warn her not to poke her head inside, the kit had already disappeared. A heartbeat later she came backing out with fur fluffed, Whitestar following her as well as Butterflytail. The tom exchanged a look with Grassclan's leader, brushing his tail along her back as he passed by to walked over to Tigerfang. Whitestar watched the tabby tom for a heartbeat before turning her attention onto Tulipkit. She gazed down at the kitten with interested blue eyes. Tulipkit crouched down on the ground, staring back up.

"I wasn't expecting more visitors," Whitestar noted, flicking her tail-tip with amusement. "But if the brave Tulipstar has come to my den, it must be for something important."
Immediately the kit relaxed, standing up.

"I have come to offer the assistance of Tulipclan in this fight against the evil Treeclan!" She proclaimed. Whitestar purred, bending down to rasp her tongue against the kit's cheek.

"Grassclan appreciates the offer, Tulipstar. But we can handle ourselves just fine. I'm sure you can watch out for them from your own territory."
Tulipkit nodded, prancing back over to the apprentices. Whitestar followed her.
"Swiftpaw, may I speak with you?"

Swiftpaw blinked. "Of course, Whitestar." The clan leader beckoned her into her den, disappearing inside. Swiftpaw asked Rabbitpaw to return Tulipkit to the nursery so she could be with her sisters. When they were gone, the white and black apprentice squeezed herself through the crack and into Tall Stone. She sat down a tail-length from the entrance, forcing the fur on her spine to lay flat. What could be so important that she had to come into the leader's den, she wondered nervously. Whitestar lifted a paw to groom as she spoke.

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