Chapter 2

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Before there was time to react, Hana felt an unexpected weight slam against her side, throwing her to the ground with a dull thud. She was in shock, her body froze in place in the sandy clearing. She was unsure if she should flee or fight back, but she was no coward. Quickly, Hana rose to her paws and got into an awkward fighting stance, legs spread wide and head lowered defensively. Her white and black patched fur bristled with fear and determination as she trained her eyes on the enemy. She unsheathed her claws, drawing her lips back in a snarl to try and look threatening. She'd seen cats do this on the moving vision box when they'd get into a fight, and hoped it would work the same for her.
Straining her eyes to see across the clearing, Hana was able to make out the shape opposite of her, watching her with narrowed interested eyes. She opened her jaws to taste the air and scent the stranger. She knew she wouldn't know this cat, but it would come in handy in case they'd meet again. The stranger, a tom, leapt out without warning onto Hana, landing on her back with his claws unsheathed. Hana yelped, feeling the cat's needle like claws rake across her hide, the wound he created burning like fire. She thrashed about violently, trying to throw the cat off. For a moment it seemed as if the cat would keep his hold on her forever, until Hana came up with an idea. She stood up on her hind legs, flipping onto her back to slam the other cat to the ground with all of her body weight. The opposing tom yowled in surprise, releasing his grip and fell limp under the she-cat. Immediately, Hana jumped back on her paws, turning tail to face her opponent while standing on tip-toe. Her muscles rippled and her limbs felt supercharged, though the scratches that the tom had left on her back and flank stung like crazy. But Hana wasn't about to back down because of a couple flesh wounds, not if the other cat was going to attack her again.
The other cat rolled onto his belly. He sat in a proper hunting crouch about a fox length away, not taking his eyes off the enemy she-cat. He seemed ready to pounce again, and Hana braced herself in case he did, dropping back into her awkward stance. The strange kitten studied Hana a moment curiously before letting out a small chuckle, relaxing himself. He stood up on his long lanky legs, taking a step closer into view. For the first time, Hana was able to get a good look at a real wildcat. He was about her size, though less stocky; in fact this cat was outright lanky. He had a small head with a long pronounced muzzle, and his eyes-green as the meadow grass- were striking against his thin, pure black coat which shined in the sunlight handsomely.

"Relax, kittypet," the strange tom purred, the tip of his tail twitching with amusement. Hana tilted her head sheathing her claws, but remained poised for attack. The tom's sudden shift in behavior was surprising. Perhaps it was some sort of trick.

"How can I? You're one of those wildcats! If I let my guard down, you'll attack me again. Maybe even kill me!" Hana spat, her teeth bared threateningly.

"A warrior doesn't need to kill to win a battle," the tom explained, as if echoing someone else's words. He stepped back to give her some space, sitting down a tail-length away from his previous spot, wrapping his long skinny tail around his paws neatly.

"Is that what you are? A warrior..?" the scared molly asked hesitantly, receiving a mrrow of laughter from the tom in reply.

"You really think I'm a warrior?" He laughed. "I haven't even been an apprentice for more than a moon yet!"
Hana felt heat rise in her pelt; was this cat mocking her for her ignorance of wildcat culture?

"What's that mean?" she queried.

"It means I'm in training to be one," the tom informed her, grooming himself nonchalantly. "One day I'll be made a warrior, but not for another couple of seasons."

"Well how was I supposed to know?" Hana huffed, beginning to relax. She sat down, giving her shoulder a couple of licks to calm her nerves, her fur still pricked.

Signs Of The Moon Book 1: Moon RiseWhere stories live. Discover now