Chapter 32

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Dawn rolled around with a quickness. Sleep was quickly disturbed by a yowl.

"Fighters, Spies, wake up," called Chicorynose, her fawn figure nothing more than a dark silhouette in the den's entryway. It was time to go. Swiftcloud rose quickly from her nest giving herself a good shake to clear herself of bracken bits and nerves. Her shoulder ached terribly, but she did not say a word about it. It would be worse later no doubt, no use complaining now. Swiftcloud followed the line of warriors as they slipped out of the den, gathering just a tail-length from the entrance. Swiftcloud's gaze drifted through the crowd. At the very edge, she spotted the clan's apprentices, even the young ones. They were coming along? Swiftcloud felt more worried now than before. I hope they're ready for a fight.

"Spies, you will be first to cross the border. Stay downwind so no cat may scent you. Fighters, mark the new borders while the spies keep lookout. Apprentices, you'll be following behind the Fighters. Pansypaw, since you're the youngest, you'll be the one to run to camp in the case that we need reinforcements. Does everyone understand?" Chicorynose checked, head raised and body stiff. Her expression was serious, her muscles tightened beneath her fawn pelt. The deputy had an air about her which commanded respect, demanded cats listen as she spoke. No wonder why she'd been chosen as Whitestar's successor. She'd make a great leader some day.
Could Swiftcloud ever hope to be like her mentor? She knew she had her clan's respect now, especially after coming up with the idea that led to today's battle plans. But could she ever be on Chicorynose's level? Swiftcloud began to wonder if one day she could become deputy. Even though it made her nervous, she liked the idea of being able to help the clan, to plan patrols and to solve problems. To lead beside the leader and to keep Grassclan strong. Would Whitestar or Chicorystar even want to choose her as their deputy? A sick feeling suddenly came into Swiftcloud's stomach. The only way to get Chicorystar was for Whitestar to die. And the only way for Swiftcloud to become Whitestar's deputy was for Chicorynose to die. Swiftcloud didn't like the idea of either thing happening. She cared about Whitestar, and she loved Chicorynose like kin. Maybe it was for the best that she'd never become deputy. As long as both high ranked she-cats lived.

"Swiftcloud." A voice murmured into her ear, snapping the warrior suddenly from her thoughts. Swiftcloud blinked, looking beside her. It was Shadowfang, studying her with a concerned expression. "Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah. I'm fine," she stammered, "just a little nervous, I guess."

Shadowfang rested his tail over her good shoulder reassuringly. "It's gonna be fine. Just keep your eyes open and ears pricked. If trouble emerges you come find me, ok? Don't fight alone."
Swiftcloud gave a nod, moving to press her side into his. Shadowfang's warmth provided her comfort, calming her down enough that she could move forward without trembling.
Swiftcloud kept to her mate's side the entire march to the Forest Patch, a sense of loneliness filling her when she had to pull away and go on ahead to keep lookout. They'd always get into trouble like this together, it felt wrong to do so without him. But I'll be fighting by his side soon, she reminded herself. Insecurity seemed to be the mood for the day. Swiftcloud saw it reflected back at her on the expressions of her fellow Spies.

"What should we do now?" Bumblethroat asked Swiftcloud, voice barely above a whisper. Ladybugbite and Cowpatch looked to her as well. Had she been deemed leader of this team? Well, this was my idea, she reminded herself once more.

"We should...split up. Cover more ground. But, stay within earshot. When we get five bear-lengths into the Forest Patch, I'll send a signal. I'll make a chirp sound, and go back to tell the fighters the coast is clear. The rest of you stay put until you hear me chirp again."

Signs Of The Moon Book 1: Moon RiseOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant