Chapter 44

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The full moon shone overhead, battling with the clouds for the right to show off it's brilliance. Swiftcloud stared up at it as she followed the line of her clanmates to the Gathering clearing. She felt a bit wary; painfully conscious that tonight may very well be the night Grassclan and Treeclan become enemies once more.

"This is so exciting!!" Tabitha whispered from behind Swiftcloud, a tremble in her mew. "I'm really interested in meeting all these different kinds of clan cats."

"I know, Tabitha," Swiftcloud purred a little, though her expression stayed serious. "Hopefully this gathering will be a good one. But with Leafbare fading, I have doubts that tonight will be very peaceful."

"How come?" The former kittypet tilted her head when Swiftcloud glanced back at her.

"Remember how I told you some of the other clans can be vicious? Well, Treeclan's had a problem with Grassclan for the past several moons. In fact... we've been at war."

"War?" Tabitha sounded surprised. "Why would another clan fight with ours when everyone's been sick?"

"They haven't. Whitestar managed to get Treeclan's leader to agree to a temporary truce. But that was to last until the worst of Leafbare passed..."

"Which means things might start getting heated again, I'm guessing?"
Swiftcloud nodded slightly.
Tabitha gulped. "Does.. does that mean I'll have to fight?"

"No, Tabitha. You've only been with Grassclan for a day now. You haven't been taught how to fight yet. Whitestar wouldn't send a new apprentice into battle," Swiftcloud assured, which made her friend sigh with relief.

Up ahead, Whitestar's pace began to slow. The familiar hedges of the Gathering clearing came into view, marking the end of their long journey. Whitestar and Chicorynose led the clan into the open space, holding the line's formation long enough for the other clans to take notice of Grassclan's presence. Whitestar had insisted upon bringing a large group of cats to this Gathering. She wanted to prove to everyone that her clan was strong again. Swiftcloud hadn't known Whitestar to be a showoff. But Swiftcloud supposed it made sense to do so every once in a while. It was still Leafbare after all. Cats were hungrier than usual. Grassclan had to prove that they had enough cats left to defend their borders, in case anyone tried sneaking across to steal prey.
After the higher-ups were sure the rest of the Land's Star had gotten a good view of their clan. Grassclan's warriors were permitted to run off and mingle with the crowd. Swiftcloud did so eagerly, calling Tabitha and Tulippaw to her side. The apprentices excitedly followed her every pawstep, eager to meet new warriors they'd never met before.

"Swiftcloud!" That was Moonface who called from across the way. Swiftcloud turned and padded over to her friend, her apprentices at her heels. Moonface was looking much more well fed today, her belly starting to grow plump. Beside her stood a younger cat with a brilliant ginger pelt.

"Hey, Moonface." Swiftcloud touched noses with the other she-cat. "How are you? You're looking well."

"I'm great, thank you for asking. Life is turning out pretty swell! Blazestar recently made me a mentor," answered Moonface.

"Congratulations. I'm guessing this eager molly beside you is the lucky apprentice, hm?" Swiftcloud assumed, glancing at the ginger she-cat. She looked similar to Moonface's mate, Sunflower. Swiftcloud wondered if the two ginger cats were kin.

Moonface nodded, resting her tail on the young cat's shoulders. "This is Scarletpaw. Scarletpaw meet Swiftcloud of Grassclan. And her apprentice. And..friend? I don't recall ever seeing you before, stranger. You don't smell much like any of the clans."

"Both are my apprentices," Swiftcloud answered. "The younger is Tulippaw. I forgot the two of you haven't met before. And the older molly is Tabitha. We've just taken her into our ranks. I'm teaching her about clan life, while Chicorynose handles the typical training stuff."

Signs Of The Moon Book 1: Moon RiseWhere stories live. Discover now