Chapter 26

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A sense of dread hung over the clearing when morning came back around. Cats stiffly emerged from their dens, huddling around each other with wariness. Though the accusations brought upon them the night before should have driven the clan-especially those under investigation-from one another, the event actually served to bring the clan closer. Swiftcloud crawled out from the warrior's den to gaze upon the faces of her clanmates. Her attention first settled on Whitestar, who was laying by the base of Tall Stone. Cricketsong and Chicorynose lay at either side of her; the three sisters sharing tongues. Swiftcloud's gaze drifted, catching Frostfeather and Quailbelly snuggling by the fresh-kill pile. Frostfeather seemed to be sitting on top of her mate like a hen would with her chicks, warming the thinner coated molly. Quailbelly was hardly visible under the other she-cat's fluffy pelt, though she seemed quite happy with that. A purr rose in Swiftcloud's throat as she continued to look around. She spotted Rabbitstorm by the nursery, tucked underneath Jaybrid who was carefully grooming his head, probably purring into his ear to sooth him. She hadn't been at the gathering last night, but Swiftcloud figured her son had filled her in on what had occurred. A troubled look was stuck upon his lynx pointed face, eyes darkened with sadness. Snowfrost was seated beside the pair to the right, the same look of distress on her own lynx point face. To the left lay Heatherwing, with legs tucked beneath her and body pressed into Rabbitstorm's exposed side. Curious, Swiftcloud trotted over to the group to find out what may be bothering her friend.

"Bunny, it's alright, no cat doubts your loyalty." She caught Snowfrost saying. Rabbitstorm lowered his ears, hiding his face in his paws. Heatherwing nuzzled the tom's cheek, Jaybird rasped her tongue against his ear comfortingly, and Snowfrost continued to mew words of encouragement to her nephew. Her voice was so sure, and yet so soft. Like that of her queen sister. She sounded as if she were a mother herself with her tone. Swiftcloud had never seen this side of Snowfrost before. She always came off as cold and calculating, a cat who hardly cared for the emotions of others. Yet here she was, acting as soft and gentle as the snow she was named for. Swiftcloud did not know the true bonds of which Snowfrost shared with her clanmates. She seemed pretty isolated from the rest of the clan; it was rare to see her talking to anyone else except her kin and Goldensong. Even Whitestar seemed pretty avoidant of her, even when she was having her kits a couple moons ago. It was peculiar. Perhaps that's how Snowfrost liked things? But that certainly couldn't be the case, or at least not entirely. Snowfrost was a medicine cat, yet a rare few came to her for medical assistance. Most preferred Goldensong to her. Why was that, Swiftcloud wondered. Perhaps she would have to investigate later.
The white and black patched she-cat was pulled from her thoughts as a whimper made its way to her ears. She perked up, looking at the cat who made such a sound. It was Rabbitstorm, with cheeks now being nuzzled by the three she-cats surrounding him. Rabbitstorm had always tried to present himself as tough, but in reality the tom could be quite sensitive. Last night he had stood strong, ready to face any who challenged him. But now in the face of his kin and friend, he was willing to show how soft he was.
Jaybird drew her attention from her fretful child onto the visiting warrior in front of them. She took a few heartbeats to look the younger molly straight in the eye, her expression serious.
"Swiftcloud, promise me you will help to clear Rabbitstorm's name. And the names of all the cats in our clan who have been falsely accused of such a heinous act."
Swiftcloud was taken aback by this request. Did Jaybird truly trust her that much? The two had bonded a bit back when Swiftcloud was younger, punished with camp confinement and nursery duty. But she hadn't thought the queen had this much faith in her.
"I know Dewstone trusts your input. You have assisted her before. I know you will do so again."
So that's what this was about. A small mewl rose from Rabbitstorm's throat. Jaybird resumed grooming him, having to shift a bit in her position. The she-cat's belly was overly plump with kits. If one stared long enough they could spot an occasional kick. How awful. Jaybird has to worry about her new litter and the safety of her previous one. Swiftcloud wiggled her nubby tail.

Signs Of The Moon Book 1: Moon RiseWhere stories live. Discover now