Chapter 12

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Swiftpaw hobbled across Grassclan's camp, paws aching from the return journey. Fatigue overtook her, driving the young molly to her den for a good night's rest. But before she went inside she paused, looking over towards the small tree which housed the medicine cats. Snowfrost led the clan's visitor over, barely acknowledging Hawkfern. She
waved her tail as she disappeared into the hole of the tree, the ivy veil swaying shut behind her. Mistypaw pranced around beside the Mountainclan medicine cat, excitement radiating from her pelt. She invited Hawkfern inside politely, following her into the den. Satisfied, Swiftpaw ducked into her own den, practically falling down into her nest in a tired heap.

It was mid morning when she finally jolted awake. The young molly's fur stood on end as she whipped her head around to see some of her companions were still asleep in their nests. Though a glance towards the cracks in the rock pile revealed shining rays of sunlight spilling in, meaning it must be way past sunrise. Swiftpaw felt like she was forgetting something; the sensation nagging her like a frenzying fly buzzing around her head. It might have just been the habit of waking up for dawn patrol-or rather being woken up. Swiftpaw wasn't a fan of early mornings, but she grew accustomed to being woken to go out at first light to hunt and check borders. Though Chicorynose had put her on a different schedule now. On the way back from the Gathering last night she had told Swiftpaw that for a while they would be having battle practice at sunhigh, which meant she could sleep in. But Swiftpaw couldn't help feeling weird. Today, however, that feeling was caused by something else. The patched molly stood up in her nest, smoothing down her fur before leaving the den, heading straight for the lair of the medicine cats. As she neared the entrance, an unfamiliar smell drifted into her nose. She remembered what she had forgotten now; an outsider was staying in camp. The white and black patched she-cat slipped past the ivy tendrils to see Hawkfern and Mistypaw sharing a hare in the center of the medicine den. Snowfrost was nowhere to be found.

"Hi Swiftpaw!" Trilled Mistypaw when she noticed her friend lingering in the threshold.

"Greetings. You're just in time for some breakfast," Hawkfern purred, motioning for Swiftpaw to come over with a double flick of her ear. Swiftpaw gladly took the invitation and settled herself beside Mistypaw, bowing her head to take a bite of the hare, thanking Starclan for the meal. The juicy, meaty taste dissolved any tiredness that still lingered in her joints, sore from travelling last night. Satisfied she purred, leaning against Mistypaw. Movement on the opposite side of the silver apprentice drew Swiftpaw's attention as she ate. A golden shape shifted around, darkened by the shade of the den. Hawkfern stood up, standing on tip-toe to stretch out her legs. Sluggishly she lumbered her way over to where Goldensong lay towards the back of the den. The pale golden she-cat began to stir as she caught whiff of the unfamiliar cat approaching her. A look of confusion was plastered on her face, her eyes still glassy and half-lidded like they had been since she first fell ill. But she did not make any effort to move. The only thing to indicate that she was even really alive was the steady rise and fall of her flank.
Hawkfern sat by her nest-side, waving a paw in front of the other medicine cat's face. Goldensong barely seemed to register what was happening, blinking slowly, her gaze distant. Oddly, the fur along her spine began to rise anxiously. Hawkfern let out an interested "hmm", running a paw against the length of Goldensong's body. She called Mistypaw over to assist her. The fluffy silver cat stood up eagerly, padding to Hawkfern, leaving Swiftpaw alone in the center of the den. Lonely, she too went to stand beside the older medicine cat, curious to see what would happen. Mistypaw sat by Goldensong's flank now, her paws kneading against her soft belly comfortingly as the Mountainclan medicine cat continued her exam. She leaned down, placing an ear on her chest. A couple of heartbeats passed before she sat up again.

"Slow heartbeat. And her breathing is pretty shallow as well," she noted, with Mistypaw nodding along. The apprentice must have been keeping track of the list of symptoms Goldensong presented. "She doesn't seem to be very focused either. Has she been moving or talking at all?"

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