Chapter 23

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The days seemed to come and go. Leaves grew on the tops of trees and the meadow grass grew tall and bright. The intense rays of the sun heated the land, welcoming in a sweltering Greenleaf. Cats went about their normal lives, gossiping, hunting, training. An occasional scuffle would still break out at the Treeclan border, but otherwise peace reigned once more. Though Grassclan remained wary of traveling in the Forest Patch.
Greenleaf was usually the time the clan would hunt in that area more. Prey and cats alike were more inclined to take shelter in the shade of the trees in this season. The sun beat down too harshly on the meadow, making it uncomfortable to spend time there in the hotter parts of the day. But cautious, Whitestar ordered patrols to spend less time in the woods. Cats were only to go there now to check the border and to train apprentices. The clan began to rely more on other parts of the territory for food. On the rare visits to the Forest Patch, apprentices trained to be mindful of their surroundings above. Soon, the bitterness between Grassclan and Treeclan melted away.
As more time passed on, the leaves began to change, then fall. Just as the rivalry simmered down, the meadow cooled just as quick. The sun weakened as more time moved away from the near war with Treeclan. Grassclan was not only surviving, but thriving. And now with Leaf-Fall on its way, cats were busier than ever preparing for the colder seasons ahead.

"Let all cats old enough to run across the meadow, gather here beneath the Tall Stone for a clan meeting," called Whitestar, excitement in her tone. The sun shone down on her back, casting her creamy fur ablaze with white light. Below her, her clan gathered, a murmur rising from the crowd. Swiftpaw sat herself beside Mistypaw near the medicine cat's den. She looked up at her leader with curiosity, what was today's meeting about? Shadowpaw came to sit on her other side, a charming smile on his face. They exchanged a quick glance before looking into the crowd. Cats gathered in the clearing parted to allow Cricketsong and her litter through. The four kits had gotten so big in the past few moons and Swiftpaw's heart swelled knowing that she was there to watch them grow.

"Today is a special day in a young cat's life, where a kit leaves the nursery and joins the world as an apprentice. Cricketsong, have your kits reached 6 moons old? And do you believe they are ready to join us and learn the ways of the clan?"

"Yes, and I do," meowed Cricketsong, lifting her chin proudly. Whitestar blinked at her slowly, her smile never faltering.

"Are you ready to rejoin your peers as a warrior once more, or would you like to reside as a queen permanently?"

"I am happy as a queen, Whitestar. This is the job I would like to continue pursuing."

"Very well. Then with Starclan as witness, let it be known that this cat shall remain as a permanent queen of Grassclan."
Cricketsong let out a loud purr of appreciation, turning to give each of her babies one last lick before leaving to sit beside Cowpatch. Whitestar beckoned the kits forward with a swish her tail. The four padded forward slowly, heads held high and proud smiles settled on their faces. They came to a stop just a fox-length from Tall Stone's base, eager to be named. Excitement prickled Swiftpaw's pelt as she looked on at the sisters. They were finally going to be apprenticed! Nearby, the white and black patched molly could hear the delighted murmurs of her clanmates. Slugsnout and Snailear wondered between themselves which of them would be made a mentor. Ladybugbite eyed the kits curiously as she sat tall next to Dewstone who casually groomed her shoulder fur. Ambereye and Gingerstrike joked quietly with one another just as Whitestar properly began the ceremony.

"You have survived the first 6 moons of your lives. May Starclan guide your paws from this moment on," Whitestar mewed down at kittens. She turned her muzzle to the sky, her eyes searching the endless blue above.
"From this day forward, until they have earned their warrior names, these apprentices shall be known as the following: Nectarkit, from this day forward you shall be known as Nectarpaw. Ladybugbite, its time you had your first apprentice. Teach this young cat everything you have learned from Chicorynose."

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