Becoming dream

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I heard a voice...she sounded very kind to me but I couldn't quite make out the words...something about dream..nightmare and balance and keep each other safe.

Keep who safe? I thought as I started waking up. I slowly sit up, confused to why I was in a forrest. I bring my hand up to check and to my shock it was just bones. Did I become a skeleton!? I thought looking to see where my skin use to be and was now only bones.

What...I looked around and saw another skeleton just now sitting up as well. that nightmare? I thought and got up and walked over to him. "Hi!" I said and the maybe nightmare turned around and looked at me. He stared at me and I stared back at him curiously. "H-Hi...I'm nightmare.." he said and I smiled at him. He blushed, embarrassed. "I'm dream! Nice to meet you too!" I said cheerfully. I'm going to find a way to protect nightmare from those villagers...even if it met me killing them or taking nightmares place. "I'll call you night for short." I said and he blinked at me.

"So what now? I remember hearing someone saying something about a balance and protecting each other but what now?" I asked him and he looked thoughtful.

"I don't know. I guess we stay here and if one of us has to do something they do it and the other stays?" Night suggested. I nodded at that, I wonder how old we are and when the villagers actually came? I didn't really pay attention much to undertale and the au's. Just only a bit on the backgrounds on nightmare and dream.

Nightmare was like hated by all the villagers and bullied and hurt by them. Dream on the other hand was loved and favored and didn't know what the villagers did to his brother. I on the other hand know a bit about that so I can stop it from happening or just kill them. I don't want them anywhere near night at all. I guess I'll pretend to be the guardian of negativity or maybe get them to hate me somehow. I don't know how yeah I'll probably just pretend to be the guardian of negativity and trick them into believing I had my brothers power and he had mine.

Or something like that. But until then I can be happy and make some plans when they arrive here. So we played around the tree we are now supposed to be guarding. We played around in the forest as well. We surprising enough didn't need to eat or anything else that other skeletons probably needed. Though the only time we eat was when one of us got hurt and the food healed us. Or our HP.

So we played, we sat down at the base of the tree and we did many things together. We had fun...well up until the people or monsters found us and the tree and moved right in. I glared at them, making them uncomfortable as they came over to meet us. I felt displeased that they even came over here.

They should have just stayed in the village and leave us alone. My brother was also warily, he didn't want them anywhere near the tree at all. We both felt that way, "leave. We don't want you anywhere near this tree." I told them a bit hostile as we both had our weapons out and pointed towards them. "B-But we just wanted to meet you!" "Yes!" Meet the guardians!" "Which one is which?" I got annoyed with them. "Well you aren't welcomed anywhere near here. If we see you by this tree again, we will not hesitate to attack you. I to be honest with you, I don't trust any of you. You all came out of no where and moved here? For what reason? Besides maybe the apples? So stay away and we won't hurt you." I told them.

I saw them share annoyed looks and distain as they figured I was the guardian of negativity or the black apples that felt awful to them.

Which was what I wanted in the first place. Now they will love and favor my brother. That made me pleased. But I still didn't want them anywhere near my brother. I don't want them finding out that they were wrong and start hating on my brother and hurting him.

Heck no, I'll continue with the lie. "Yes please stay away. We don't want to have to hurt anyone but we will if you come near this tree again." Night said and the others already started looking like they liked him better. That made me relieved. Now let's just hope no one finds out about this plan of mine.

Becoming dream from dreamtale Where stories live. Discover now