The Wrong Ginger (HGxFW) (NBC)

Start from the beginning

That's how Rowle and Dolohov found them at the cafe.

Fred had likely just saved their lives in more ways than one.

Harry was prone to calling You-Know-Who by his chosen name as to not show any fear.

Fred's discovery would keep Harry from making the fatal mistake that would likely lead to all three of their deaths.

From that moment forwards the three of them would refer to Voldemort by his birth name.

That was the moment he became Tom Riddle to the rag-tag trio.

Hermione had made quick work of modifying the memories of the death eaters before the three of them headed for refuge.

They'd taken temporary shelter at Grimmauld.

Only encountering one person the entirety of their short stay.

One Remus Lupin.

Remus had brought with him news of what was going on at the Burrow.

With Ron left behind and Fred mistakenly dragged into the Horcrux Hunt, the Weasley's had to come up with a story.

Ron was to return to Hogwarts for his seventh year, his memory modified by Remus so he no longer remembered the Trio's plans.

He'd not be able to give up information on Harry and Hermione if he really didn't know anything.

Fred was supposedly in America, looking for a location to open another shop.

Nobody would think anything of Fred's cover story, even the densest Death Eater would know of the Twin's success with their business.

Remus had offered to go with the trio.

He'd wanted to help any way he could.

Harry was quick to decline the offer however.

Remus Lupin had other things to worry about, he didn't need to be dragged into their suicide mission.

This was to be their fight and their fight alone.

Just a hours after the departure of Remus Lupin, Fred discovered the identity of RAB.

Which led to the three of them breaking into the Ministry, all under disguise.

They'd successfully obtained the object they'd gone to retrieve.

A Horcrux, snatched from the neck of Dolores Umbridge herself.

They'd unfortunately not made it back to Grimmauld unfollowed.

Fred had been the first to take notice of their unwanted company, quickly grabbing onto his younger companions.

With a twist the three of them were suddenly standing in the field they'd gone to when they'd Port Keyed to the World Cup a few years prior.

After explaining to the others they'd been followed, and he had no choice, Hermione formulated a plan.

Not ten minutes later the three of them were stood in the Forest of Dean.

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