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Shuichi frowned. Hearing Rantaro say it, it did seem cruel in a way.

"I didnt mean it like that." Shuichi defended.

Rantaro smirked. "How did you mean it then, huh?"

"Now youre being an ass." Shuichi said.

Rantaro raised an eyebrow. "Feisty, ey?"

Shuichi remained silent, as Rantaro walked towards the wall and leaned his back onto it. "You have been pretty feisty recently, ya' know?"

Shuichi frowned. "Ive been having bad days."

"Bad days? Bad days for a good pay?" Rantaro shook his head and walked back to Shuichi, "Me and you both now very fucking well you are overworking yourself, Shuichi."

"Im not." Shuichi frowned. "Im just having a bad day."

"A bad day every single day, since you got your job?" Rantaro pushed.

"And how would you know what overworking is?" Shuichi laughed. "I am pretty sure if I was overworking, I would know and stop myself right away."

Rantaro softened. "Youre right, I dont know what overworking is. But I know others who do know what overworking is. You are starting to overwork."

"Can you shut up?" Shuichi met Rantaro's eyes and they had a moment of silence.

"You know..." Rantaro took a step back, "Its not cool to snap at friends. No matter the cause. You have been ignoring us."

"I havent." Shuichi responded.

"You have. Dont deny it, Shuichi." Rantaro stated.

"No one really cares. No one else thinks im overworking, so why come corner me?" Shuichi slowly moved past Rantaro.

Rantaro sighed, "We have noticed Shuichi. But half your friends are dumb. Only one person had the balls to say it, and no one would listen to them."

"Tell that person to mind their business." Shuichi got to the doorway, and stood there.

Tension gained in the room.

"Who was it anyways?" Shuichi questioned.

"That doesnt matter." Rantaro said. Venom was in his voice as he shoved past Shuichi and walked down to the rooms. 

Shuichi was left alone again.

Anxiety was everywhere. 

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