Chapter 24: Hidden Castle

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Hidden Castle

A hidden castle in vardas

a devil entered a large foyer.
The stones of the ground and the walls were black and had dark colors.
Red flags with the symbol of order of devils hung there.

At the end of the foyer was a chair that was above the ground

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At the end of the foyer was a chair that was above the ground. with a several stone stairs to reach the chair.
a man in a demon outfit, with an iron mask and red cloth, was sitting on the chair.
the devil bowed to the man.
devil: Greetings to the Lord, greetings to the great devil! the invisible warrior of all the time, forgive me if I waste your time great beelzebub.
Beelzebub: tell your worthless job and get a hell out of here!!!!
devil: Sir, I have bad news.
Unfortunately, we have now received the news that ... that two nights ago, the castle of Mortabolis was attacked and we no longer have control of Mortabolis!
I don't know how they did this.
I don't know who did this!
The great devil shouted.
Beelzebub: They have captured Mortabolis!!!!? How!!?
I had many devils stationed there!!!
devil: sir, the black ghost had carried out many attacks on Mortabolis throughout his career, killing many devils. During these seven months, he attacked us a lot, but most of all, he attacked Mortabolis!
I'm sure he's the one who captured Mortabolis, and Berley was attacking Mortabolis more from the start.
The great devil punched his fist on the handle of the chair.
Beelzebub: STUPID!!!! The black ghost hasn't captured the castle alone!!!! He must have a army and an auxiliary force!!!! Definitely has an allies!!!!! So what the hell were you doing while patrolling that you didn't notice them!!!? May God curse all of you idiots that any calamity that befalls me is the fault of you idiots!!!!
He put his hand on his forehead and was thinking, suddenly turning his head to a door to his left.
He quickly got up from his chair and hurried to the door, opened it and looked behind it.
He closed the door behind him and started shouting.
Beelzebub: impudent, didn't I told you not to go down these stairs!!!!!? GO BACK UP OR I WILL PUNISH YOU SON OF BITCH!!!!!
Then he opened the door and entered the foyer and closed it tightly.
He was sweating and hurried to his chair.
He sat down on the chair again.
Beelzebub: We must recapture Mortabolis and destroy all the treachery of those who dared to attack us. KILL THEM ALL!!!
devil: What to do with the black ghost!? everyone says that he hasn't suffered a single blow in the battle so far! he hasn't been injured yet! everyone says he is a legendary warrior and he is invincible!
The great devil got up angrily and took one of his weapons.
Beelzebub: impudent!!! I'm the only legendary warrior and invincible!!!! No one is my tier!!!
I have no competitors!!!! You are the ones who are stupid and you can't even fight with one person!!!
You couldn't beat that tomiro rovener either! If I wasn't there, he could kill all of you!!! anyone from anywhere can defeat you!
I really have to think about you, you are ruining my reputation!!!
devil: Sir! I know that no one has the power to fight you! but the black ghost is different.
Beelzebub: He's just fucking a teleporter!!! You have exaggerated the issue a lot, otherwise he is nothing!!!
devil: Sir! Please come with us in this attack so that we can easily defeat them! This way we can be sure that we can defeat the black ghost because you are with us.
Besides, the demons are afraid to go to Mortabolis!
because of all the devils that were killed in the castle. our devils are afraid to attack. your presence can strengthen us.
Beelzebub: I have more important things to do. you have to go to war yourself. we aren't aware of their full power at the moment, so don't take risks and don't take many devils with you. Increase the security of the borders of the other two tribes.
as well as the Temple of Wizards.
devil: Sir but ....
Beelzebub: Don't say "but" between my words and shut your mouth and get out of here and do what I said!!!
I told you I wouldn't come.
The devil was going.
Beelzebub: Wait!
The devil turned his face towards the great devil and said with a bad temper: What else?
Beelzebub: Send someone to the Temple of Wizards and tell them that I must meet the great wizard and he must come here.
devil: I'm going to send someone.
Beelzebub: I want you to do this yourself now, so that he can come here quickly!!! My work with him is obligatory!!!
devil: Sure, I'm going to the temple of wizards myself and I will give him this news myself!
Beelzebub: So what are you waiting for? GET OUT!!!
The devil went out.
he said very quietly.
devil: son of bitch! crazy old bastard.

The Beelzebub was leaning forward slightly, clenching his fingers and resting his elbows on the two handle of chair.
stared at a spot on the ground. to an ant dragging something hard on the ground.
Beelzebub: black ghost, you can't remain anonymous and mysterious forever. I will strike you with my fatal blow soon. you will pay for your deeds.
Then he got up from his chair and went down the stairs. went to the black carpenter ant. he picked up the ant with his two fingers and held it in front of his eyes.
Beelzebub: No matter how hard you try so far and how hard you fought. in the end, you will be weak against me like this ant, and I (pressed his two fingers and crushed the ant) ​​will crush you like this ant!
Then he moved to the left door.

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