Chapter 19: A Ghost On Island

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A Ghost On Island

4 month later

There was a commotion in an alley in Mortabolis.
The 5 devils had forcibly entered a house.
They wanted to take a man's wife and child to the roveners's castle.
The man stood up to them and attacked the demons inside the alley to save his family.
But 5 devils started beating the man.
He was thrown to the ground in the middle of the alley and kicked and crushed under their feet.
One of them grabbed the man's collar and forcibly lifted him, then led him to the wall and hit his face firmly against the wall.
Then they started beating him again.
devil: Bastard! How did you dare to oppose us!!!? Everything you have is ours and we have given you permission to have it. You have no right to resist!
People filled every corner and watched the scene.
The man's wife was sitting on the ground in front of her son, clinging to him so that he would not see those scenes.
She was crying because something was happening to her husband and something is going to happen to her and her son. she was afraid.
Then the sound of surprise of something, wrapped in space.
But the devils didn't pay attention to the people and continued their work.
Until one of the devils standing in front of the man kicked him in the face, feeling that someone was hitting two of his fingers firmly on his left shoulder.
The person who did this is very menacingly and firmly clenching his two fingers.
The devil got angry and turned his face to face the person who had disturbed him.
When he turned his face, he didn't even have time to say anything or react, because a strong fist hit the right side of his face, which caused him to be thrown violently at another devil and fall to the ground.
The other 3 devils were surprised by what had happened.
Of the two devil on the ground, one was motionless but the other wanted to get up, but someone kicked his foot firmly on the back of his head and his face hit the ground hard. Cracks appeared on the ground and the devil's face was crushed behind an iron mask.
The other three devils took up arms and attacked with shouts.
First, one approached and hit a vertical blow from the left, which was a crooked blow.
The man in black dodged from the side of the blow and punched him hard in the right side and passed him and went to the second person, the second devil hit a horizontal blow from the left and the man in black quickly went back to avoid the blow. then went forward, kicked the devil in the abdomen and he was thrown back and hit the wall and fell to the ground.
The man in black stepped forward and waited for the third devil to approach. He tried to insert his short spear into the belly of the man in black, but when he struck, the man in black tilted his whole body to the left. He dodged the blow and immediately afterwards grabbed the wooden part of the spear with both hands and pulled the opponent towards him.
The devil wanted to resist, but he couldn't resist the power of the man in black at all. The pull was so strong that the devil came violently towards the man in black and lost his balance.
Then the devil felt a very severe pain because the man in black immediately hit him in the abdomen with his left knee.
The devil noticed severe pain in his abdomen and could feel that his abdominal muscles were broken and very badly damaged.
The man in black grabbed the devil by the right hand.
Man in Black: Let me show you how painful it is to hit a person's face against a wall.
He raised his left fist and slammed it firmly into the iron mask, the devil screaming in pain.
He punched again and then another punch and another punch.
The devil's voice was cut off.
He left the devil.
Two others were still lying on the ground, one of whom was killed when his head hit the wall from behind.
Another had fallen to the ground, rubbing his right side in pain.
He noticed the steps of the man in black.
devil: Hey man!!! Please be calm!!!
We can talk, I can give you money.
The man in black said in a calm but threatening voice.
Man in black: So ... you like to talk.
He put his foot on her left hand and squeezed it.
The devil screamed in pain.
Man in black: Let's talk about the men and women and children who wrestled.
About the rapes you committed.
About the thefts you have committed all these years.
Tell me now ....
He put more pressure on his hand.
Man in Black: Did you had mercy on them?
Tell me ... is the one who beats a parent in front of his son, the one who forcibly takes women to the castle for dirty and heinous things, the one who forcibly separates the children from their family, it deserves forgiveness?
devil: I interfered very little in these things!!!!
Man in black: LIAR!!!!
I know you instinctively enjoy doing this! When you join the great devil!
You should have thought that one day you will pay for your cruelty!
He lifted his leg and slammed it firmly on the devil's skull. he died.

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