Chapter 27: Fall Down

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Fall Down

At the end of the night, it's snowing heavily and the hidden castle is covered in white.
A castle attached to a holy mountain.
the retaining walls of castle are large and high. The outer courtyard of the castle is very large, inside which there are several huts where the devils rest.
Inside the outer courtyard, devils are pushing the snow off the ground and pushing it against the walls to make way for the front gate of the castle.
The great door of the tower suddenly opened violently and the Beelzebub came out of it.There were two rows of armored devils to his right and left, moving beside him.
There was a big smile on the Beeelzebub's lips. he heard, his plan has succeeded and now he want to see the result.
The gate of the castle was opened and then some men who were pulling the cart and some devils who were around the cart appeared. A wooden cart with four wheels.
It has two handcart and two handcart was taken by four working men and pulled by force.
two of the devils hit them so hard on the back that its sound spread everywhere and the sound of moaning behind it.
After a while, the cart barely passed through the castle gate and entered the castle grounds.
Great devil walked towards cart slowly with proud of the victory he had finally achieved.
The great devil looked at the devils around the cart and said with a laugh: Do whatever you like with them. and be happy.
We won a great victory today.
The devils attacked those who were pulling the cart.
One of them said with fear: We did everything you said!!
The devils began to flog them repeatedly.
The four men fell to the ground and the lashes hit them hard on the back and head, and they screamed in pain.

The great devil passed by them and went to the back of the cart and stood in front of it, looking at the object that had fallen on it and was brought there.
his smile widened and engraved on his face.
a man in black with a bloody suit was lying on a cart in front of him.

Beelzebub: I said it before, no matter how hard you try, in the end I will win this battle. ( he laughed ) and now with your death, Mortabolis will fall too.

12 hours ago

Black ghost and the wizards were standing on a high hill, at the bottom of which reached the red sand beach.
A pyramid-shaped structure was built on the beach that occupied a large part of the beach and some of it had gone into the water, which was hit hard by the waves.
the slope of the hill was low and the wizards and the Black Ghost descended together to reach the wizards' temple.

Black Ghost: How do you use magic?
I need to have information before the battle.

Kormas stood up and raised his long wooden cane.

Kormas: We need another object to use the spells.
These spells are beyond capability of human's body and these are dangerous and harm us when we use them, so we need another object to transfer the power of magic to it and execute it. to do this, wizards always put their hands on a stick and repeat the name of the magic they know for many times. if we repeat the spell more, the more powerful it becomes and the more effective it becomes. these are the things you need to know.

Black ghost: Does it mean that just by repeating, the spell becomes stronger?

Kormas: For the majority of spells and simple spells. for stronger spells, you have to be open-minded and be able to imagine with your mind what the spell is going to do.
Where is it going to be sent. the sharper the image, the more power and accuracy. spells are a living state of our power that are created for a purpose and disappear after they succeed. and because of this, they are closely related to our minds and emotions. Our emotions can also affect the power of spells. and those feelings should be the goal of the spell in one direction. for example, anger causes more destruction, and if the feeling of anger is accompanied by a spell while repairing something, instability occurs in the spell and causes destruction. we control the spells with our minds, and as long as we imagine the spell moving with our minds, the spell continues to move, and it is enough to stop imagining for a moment that the spell will disappear. It is because of the power of magic that your weapons go to the goals that your mind sets, and when your mind does not set any goals, the weapons fall to the ground.

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