chapter 22: Plan

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5 months later

The night was quiet.
The devils were guarding and watching over the walls of the rovener's castle.
They looked around and waited for someone to approach the castle at night to kill him. They were bored because no one had attacked them in all the years that had passed, and they wanted a war to kill a few people, but tonight was as dull as ever.
They couldn't see, but black ghost appeared above the walls next to the tower above the gate.
The black ghost looked around.
The distance between the guards, their angle and who is looking in what direction.
He wanted to get out of the dimension but heard a voice behind the tower door, the sound of footsteps approaching the door.
He stepped back a little, sticking his right ear to the wall.
devil: Goddamn korani!
He became the chief of the tribe for no reason! we wretches have to guard, and he became the chief of the tribe because his father was one of us. now he's sitting at the table in the castle and he's eating a meal and we have to endure hunger for another 3 hours!
Another: The great devil had a reason to make him chief of the tribe. They say he's a skilled warrior, so don't talk too much.
Another: The great devil!
He is a fool. Why doesn't he think about our situation?
This damn black ghost is getting more dangerous every day!
Another: man! do you know what they will do to you if they understand what you said?
He is more nervous than ever.
He must be thinking about the black ghost. But unfortunately, no thought has come to his mind so far. So far we know nothing about the black ghost.
How can we really arrest a man we do6t know and don't know where he is? he's mysterious.
Another: That idiot is a teleporter!
I say the great devil is afraid of him.
he is afraid to fight him and that is why he doesn't show herself. he's a coward and he hides himself behind his castle.
Another: Go out!!! I don't want to lose my head because of talking to a fool.
The devil came out of the tower to guard.
The black ghost was behind him.
He looked around and noticed that no one was looking at where he was.
Suddenly he appeared and put his two hands in front of the devil's mouth and then took him into the dimension.
he get his dagger and plunged it to the devil's neck.
When the black ghost found out that the devil was dead, he took him to the highest room of the tower.
There were three people resting, he had to kill them very quickly.
Suddenly he appeared and threw the body at someone.
A dagger and a sword attacked the two men and sank into their heads, killing them. The black ghost reached the last person the one who falls the ground.
He jumped and landed on his face with his knees.
The dagger came towards him and sank into his neck, and the black ghost placed his two hands firmly on his mouth so that no one could hear his screams.
He left the dead and went back downstairs to go to the other guards.
There were few guards, and some weren't where they needed to be.
He went through the walls to count everyone.
He went to the 6 people who were in the yard.
But he couldn't attack them without being seen. He must attack without being seen.
He wondered what to do when his eyes fell on the tower above the gate.
A thought came to his mind and he smiled.
He returned to the place where he had left the dead, picked up a torch and threw it on the ground.
He threw the rest of the torches on the ground. There was a fire that was getting bigger.
He came out of there.
And hung in the air inside the dimension to monitor the surroundings.
Fifteen minutes passed, and finally the fire engulfed the whole room, and it was clear from the outside that the fire was growing.

Inside the tribe of Mortabolis

At the top of a house, a man was looking at rovener's castle.
When he saw the fire.
He went down quickly and went inside the house.
He was a friend of larmas.
The house was full of people, men and women were sitting and talking.
They had put their weapons aside.
Some were scared, some were calm.
When the man reached larmas, he said, "The black ghost has signaled!"
larmas looked at him in surprise.
larmas: Are you serious?
It hasn't been long since he left.
larmas came out.
He looked at the rovener's castle and saw the burning tower.
larmas thought a little.
larmas: No! This isn't the sign he talked about.
friend: But he said that fire in the sky is his sign.
larmas: Exactly! Fire in the sky, not fire in the tower. Go to other houses and tell them not to move and not to go to war. It isn't time yet.
Say we will let them know when the time comes.
The Black Ghost probably had a plan to do this.

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