Chapter 16: Old Friendship

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Old Friendship

kelausius spent another 20 mirchis to stay in the library.
He continued to flip through and read the various topics in the book.
Most of them were very imaginative and turned out to be superstitions.
The girl had nothing else to do, she went back to kelausius.
Girl: master, are you looking for something or do you want me to bring you something?
Kelausius: Do not call me"master". I'm not a special person and we are both human.
Girl: You are very humble.
Kelausius: thanks ... Are you ... busy?
The girl took a deep breath.
It turned out that she was tired.
Girl: Not now. I cleaned everywhere and no one is here but you. I have nothing to do.
kelausius smiled.
He gave her 10 mirchis.
Kelausius: I drink a glass of Glorima and .... (paused, it was hard for him to say) What do you drink?
The girl blushed and was surprised.
she smiled.
Girl: Unfortunately we don't have Glorima here. and I ....
Kelausius: please miss ,Accept these 10 mirchis and bring them for yourself to rest here.
The girl took 10 Mirchis and left and returned shortly after.
she brought a green drink that tasted sweet.
Girl: Can I ask a question?
Kelausius: Ask it.
Girl: most of people don't like to drink Glorima. Why do you like that drink?
Kelausius: People have little study.
Glorima is a drink full of properties, it reduces wound pain, doctors use Glorima to disinfect wounds. These were its medicinal properties. In addition, it is delicious.
Girl: it seems you read theses things. Well, it's good to be literate.
I love to read books, that's why I came here but unfortunately I'm not literate and I can't read books.
Kelausius: Maybe I can teach you.
Of course I'm not a teacher, but I think I can teach you.
Girl: Are you serious?!
Kelausius: Yes.
Girl: Thank you!
Kelausius: Just a question, can I know your name?
There was a smile on the girl's lips and she looked at the table instead of looking at kelausius.
After a short pause, she said
Girl: Klernarnia.
kelausius was surprised.
Kelausius: Another question!
When you were a child, did you live in Mortabolis Castle?
Klernarnia looked at him in surprise.
Klernarnia: Oh my God! How do you know? Did you live there too?
let me guess your name .... Tirik Sa?
kelausius: No.
Klernarnia: Chipsic?
.... Hartisley?
.... Larmas?
.... Lordimar?
she mentioned the names of almost everyone.
Klernarnia: So who are you?
Kelausius: The last survivor of the Rovener family. I am kelausius rovener.
Tears welled up in her eyes.
kelausius got up and then the two hugged each other.
Klernarnia: I missed you so much.
I really never thought of seeing you again! I thought you were dead. I'm very happy to see you again.
Kelausius: So am I. I really didn't think that I can see you another time.
Then they sat down on their chairs again.
Klernarnia: Where have you been at all this time!?
kelausius: I can't say.
Klernarnia: What were you doing?
Kelausius: Klernarnia, forgive me but I can't tell you.
Klernarnia: Okay.
Kelausius: Look, I want to read some more things. Then I will accompany you to your house to see your mother. do you accept?
Klernarnia: Definitely!
Can you read aloud for me? I like to know what they wrote in it.
Kelausius: Okay.
He started flipping through and then came up with an interesting theory.

The Legend of the Morgiana Plant

kelausius: Morgiana is a medicinal plant used by doctors for treatment.
This plant is abundant in the land of Vardas.
Anyone who gets sick and becomes weak due to the disease, must use this drug because this drug gives strength to the patient and its effects are permanent.
It makes the patient get better faster and eliminates the disease.
But doctors have proposed a theory for this plant.
They say the changes have made the effects of this plant much stronger and greater.
By consuming the fortified type of plant that is present in the cursed part, it strengthens the immune system. It strengthens different senses. It makes the bones stronger.
The normal prescription only restores the lost power to the patient and heals him.
But the enhanced version makes man much stronger than he is and creates a superhuman.
To use, you have to take the sap of the plant, and it is the sap of the plant that has medicinal properties and can give incredible power to humans.
This plant has dark purple petals that are very broad and long.
This plant does not have a long stem and is flat on the ground.
This type of plant grows in groups on the ground and many of them are together.
But since no one has been able to return to the cursed part, no one has ever used this powerful drug.
Klernarnia: It was interesting.
Kelausius: It was very interesting.
Ready to go?
Klernarnia: Yes.
They walked through the alleys together and continued talking.
Over the years, kelausius had become so involved in practice that he had forgotten many parts of his past life.
The only thing on his mind was the war with the beelzebub.
But now with seeing Klernarnia, he remembers the good old days.
Klernarnia: so! when do you teach me to read?
kelausius thought a little.
He didn't have much time to do this.
Kelausius: Klernarnia, I have a lot of work to do. What do you think about the evening?
Klernarnia: I only have 2 hours of free time. 6 to 9 p.m.
Kelausius: Good. So tomorrow I will come to the library.
they were quite for while.
Klernarnia: What is your job?
kelausius thought a little.
Kelausius: I don't have a real job but I'm a warrior.
Klernarnia looked at him in surprise.
Klernarnia: So ... where's your weapon? or your armor? and how you have these money? Do you work for someone?
Kelausius: I'm thinking of a sword whose metal I must find. But I don't need a weapon right now.
I don't like armor. Armor is heavy and slows down reactions and movements.
I'm just a warrior, I don't work for anyone, because everyone is evil.
this side is just as cursed as the other side. For the sake of the great devil and those who accompany him.
Klernarnia looked around in fear.
There was no devils around them.
Klernarnia: Be careful what you say! They don't show mercy to those who disrespect them!They are very evil. you must be careful!
kelausius: I'm not afraid of them.
Klernarnia: I'm sorry to tell you this ... but your father wasn't afraid of them either and he has a loyalty soilders! but you know what happened in the end.
Kelausius: Yes I know. I saw it with my own eyes.
He died like a hero and remained faithful to the oath he had taken.
He fought like a real warrior for the people until the last moment and in the end he was killed in the way of a great goal.
Klernarnia said nothing.
Klernarnia: I wish your father was still there.
Korima and her father don't deserve to take your father's place.
The castle of Roveners is the place of good men and heroes, not the place of demons.
The glory of the tribe is gone.
The only thing that exists is misery.
After a while, they arrived at Klernarnia's house and knocked on the door.
A middle-aged woman with a bent back opened the door.
kelausius and Clearnarnia entered the house.
The woman at first thought that Kelausius was wanted to marry klernarnia, and she was very happy.
kelausius and klearnarnia were embarrassed. Klernarnia was blushed and she looked at the other side so kelausius wouldn't see that she was smiled.
And then kelausius introduced himself and the woman began to shed tears.
The woman was originally a servant of kelausius's mother and she had promised his mother to take care of him.
Now after so many years, he had seen kelausius again and was glad he was healthy.
He was very sorry that he hadn't taken kelausius with her.
she asked kelausius to stay with them, but Kelausius refused because he had to leave.
He had to go to continue his father's goal and save the people.

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