Chapter 10- What Did You See

Start from the beginning

"I am."

"You have no idea how happy I am that you're okay Daniella."



"Why am I here?"

His smile dropped a little and his eyes and met the ground.

"What's the last thing you remember? Before being in a hospital I mean."

"I remember going to your place so you could get changed." Then I remembered what I found. What we fought about. It was all rushing back to me now. "I found out you were- oh Spence..."

"Is that everything?" He questioned concerned.

"Umm, I remember taking your car and thats it, thats all I can remember."

He pointed to a burn on my wrist. "You don't remember how you got this?"

I looked at my wrist confused.

"No....Spence what happened?"

"We don't have to worry about that right now." He forced a smile and kissed my hand.

I knew that Spencer wasn't going to say anything about what happened. He won't listen to anybody else whenever he gets like this.

So I just accepted that I was going to have to wait on finding out. It was getting really late and I was really tired, Spencer started to gather his blankets and pillows to try and sleep on the chair again.

"Spence go home."

"No, theres nothing you could say to convince me to. I know you're mad at me but I'm not leaving you."

I was mad at him, but I needed him more than I needed to punish him. Right now being mad at him would be pointless. Me and him can talk about everything later. Right now I just want to feel safe again.

"Okay if you're going to stay, can you lay here with me?" I questioned as I moved over on the hospital bed, giving him room to lay.

He looked at me like he wanted to smile, but then he didn't. Then he looked like he was going to say something, but then he stopped, he ended up just nodding and response and getting in the bed.

He put his arms around me and I laid my head on his chest and intertwined my legs with his. I haven't felt this secure in a really long time and I couldn't figure out why.

I've cuddled with Spencer many times before, why does right now feel like the first time I've ever done it? Something about being wrapped up in his arms, the way he smelled of pepperment and coffee as usual. Why do I feel like I haven't seen him in ages?


"Shh, you need to rest."

"I know but did I die?"

There was a long moment of silence. I almost repeated myself because I was starting to think he didn't hear me but before I could he responded with...

"For a few moments you did, scared the fuck out of me. Why do you ask?"

"I saw something."

"What did you see?"

"It was dark, my little brother who died was there. He told me I didn't belong there and then I was awake."

"Scientists say that when people come back from the dead their mind sometimes can't process the experience. So it comes up with a way to cope."

"So what I wasn't real?"

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