"you've got to tell her luke." calum says more seriously this time, snapping me from my daze. "you never know, maybe she feels something too?"

"but she just rejected that guy at work because she wasn't ready to date again." i try one more time but i should've known calum was relentless.

"she wasn't ready to date him, that doesn't mean she doesn't like you. either way i think she deserves to know. you probably have her all confused because you kissed her."

i groaned gently knowing he was right but i didn't want laila to be uncomfortable around me if i told her how i felt.

"i'll tell her soon." i say earning a pointed look from calum. "i will, i just need a few days to think." at this he seemed to agree and stood up. he pulled me in for a hug. "good luck mate." he says heading to the door.

"thanks for the help." i say walking him over to the door, surprised to see laila standing there with her arms full of grocery bags. calum waves to her before heading out the door and i quickly take some of the bags from the small girl.

"i didn't know you were going shopping lai, i would've helped you." i smiled as we both made our way into the kitchen, beginning to unpack the bags.

"it's okay, i just needed a few things so i figured i'd get some stuff for dinner while i was out. i'm really craving pasta." she giggled softly and i smiled, watching as she put the last of her groceries away before turning to the stove.

"do you need any help?" i could've sworn the smile on the girl's face got wider and she nodded.

"if you're offering, can you start the noodles so i can make the sauce." i moved to grab a pot to boil the noodles in, happy to help.

"so what was calum helping with?" she asks breaking the comfortable silence that surrounded us as we were both focused on what we were doing.

"oh uh, he um was giving me advice." i mentally slapped myself for being so obvious.

"what for? you know you can come to me too. you're my best friend luke."

"i know bub, just needed some advice on a girl." i shrugged, turning my attention back to the boiling water in front of me.

"who?" she instantly shouted, nudging my arm playfully. "in all the years i've known you, you only dated one girl! awe lukey has a crush. why didn't YIU tell me."

"o-oh she's no one." i chuckled awkwardly. "just this girl i've known for awhile, we've seemed to be getting closer recently."

she nods probably assuming she just doesn't know this mystery girl. "well if you like her, why don't you tell her?"

"that's what calum said."

"he's right. ooh i have an idea." she said turning to face me fully. "invite her over for dinner. i'll go eat in my room, you can take credit for the food."

"no no, i want to spend time with my favorite girl tonight." i chuckle and wrapped my arm around her small shoulder. "but thank you for the offer."

i feel her almost seem to relax in my arms as i say that, before turning back to her sauce.

"what's her name?" she asks a bit later as we were getting our food.

"laila.." i mumbled, giving her a look as if to beg her to stop asking questions. she snapped her head over to me with a confused look on her face before taking in my features. "you wouldn't know her okay? it's not that big of a deal. i'll tell her soon and then i promise you can meet her."

this seems to get her to stop as we both take a seat on the couch for the night with a cup of tea and our pasta. i couldn't help but steal glances at the small brunette beside me as we ate our dinner. the way her expressions changed when something happened in the show or the way her eyes would crinkle when she laughed at something funny was enough for me to want to watch her instead of the show.

when i was done eating i placed my plate on the coffee table in front of us and patted my lap for petunia to jump up in my lap from the place she sat begging on the floor. laila smiled and scooted closer as i pulled the dog to my chest, petting her. i smiled at the girl who brought her hand up to pet the dog too before laying her head on my shoulder.

i couldn't even focus on the show as i thought of what calum said earlier and how i'd be happy to spend every night like this for the rest of my life.

{author's note}
surprise luke pov!
he likes laila but we already knew that.
i had been debating on whether to include this chapter for awhile so, let me know what you think about it.
thank for reading!

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