Happy Red Day

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It was an early morning. The sun is just beginning to rise and nearly everyone in the city is still fast asleep. Some wake up early for work. Veneranda is cooking some breakfast in the kitchen of her home. Tora placed some plates, a knife, a fork, a glass of orange juice and a rose vase on a bed table. After breakfast is done, Veneranda puts some chocolate chip pancakes with strawberries on top, french toast with powdered sugar, and two eggs on the plates.

Veneranda: There we go. It's done.

Tora: Not yet, mom! It needs one more thing! (grabs a birthday card and puts it on the table) Now it's done!

Shaymin: Yup. Now let's give it to Raph.

In the bedroom, Raph is still asleep. Snoring loudly in between his breathing. Tora gently opens the door. Not making any noise that would cause her dad to wake up. Once they enter the bedroom, Veneranda places the table on Raph's lap. The smell wakes Raph up and he slowly sits up. Yawning while stretching his arms.

Raph: Mm~... Something smells delicious. (looks down) Breakfast in bed?

Together: Happy birthday!

Raph: Aw~ thank you.

Veneranda: Of course, Beary Boo! (kisses him on the cheek) Today's your big day after all.

Tora: Yeah! It's no problem, dad!

Veneranda: Now eat up your breakfast and get ready. I'm gonna treat you with something special.

Raph: Something special?

Shaymin: Yup! But it's a surprise.

Raph: Okay! (starts eating his breakfast) Mm~! It's so good~...

Veneranda: (chuckles as they leave the bedroom) That should take care of it. (grabs her cellphone from the kitchen table and starts calling)

At the Lair, everyone is setting up for Raph's birthday party. The phone begins to ring and April picks it up.

April: Hello?!

Veneranda: Hey April. I'm just checking on how the party is going.

April: Everything is going smoothly. If we keep this up, we'll have this ready by the afternoon. (hear some noises off-screen) Uh... I better get going now. See you soon and tell Raph happy birthday! (hangs up) What is going on?!

Mikey: Sorry, April! I just tripped over something...

Leo: My skateboard! (grabs it) That's where it was. I was looking for this everywhere.

April: Jeez... Just be more careful. We gotta prepare for this party!

Donnie: We know we know. Just calm down and let us do our thing.

Male Meowstic: We'll get everything ready. As long as Raph doesn't decide to come to the Lair.

Raichu: And if he does, then we'll initiate plan R!

Male Meowstic: Plan R?

Raichu: Yeah, Plan R. Didn't I say that three days ago?

Tsareena: I don't think so?

Raichu: (groans) Looks like Lemon has to tell you guys exactly how Plan R is supposed to work. (sighs)

Back in the Bertucci household, Tora is crocheting a teddy bear. It was green with a red bandana around the eyes. The eyes itself are black and it's wearing a red belt around the waist, red shorts, and a crochet t-emblem on the front of the belt. After finishing the final touches, she examines the teddy bear.

Tora: Hm... It looks perfect... But what if dad doesn't like it? (puts it on her dresser) Maybe I should get another gift.

Squirtle: What kind of gift?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2020 ⏰

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