Father-Daughter Showdown

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It is a clear sunny day in New York. At Central Park, there's a celebration happening. Dads and their daughters are having a picnic. Sitting in their respective blankets. The daughters are playing. The dads are bar-b-queuing. Sitting on the large red blanket is Raph, Donnie and Mikey. Along with their daughters. They're eating sandwiches and drinking some water and juice under the shade of a tree.

Mikey: What a beautiful day!

Topaz: A perfect day for a picnic! (takes a bite out of a sandwich)

Tora: Too bad Uncle Leo can't go since he has two sons.

Elizabeth: As long as Indulf isn't here to bother me, it doesn't matter.

Donnie: This is a great day for relaxation. No tinkering in the lab. No stress about work... It's just me, my bros, my daughter and my nieces.

Raph: Yup! Just us. Relaxing under the shade of this tree.

After a moment of silence, the three brothers look at each other with a determined look on their faces.

Raph: Tora, could you lift Donnie and Mikey with one arm each?

Tora: Sure thing, dad!

Without warning, Tora lifts her uncles up in the air. Donnie is in her left hand while Mikey is on the other. Topaz starts clapping her hands while Liz just stares at her.

Elizabeth: Trying to show off eh TT?

Tora: Well~ (puts them down) I am the strongest one here after all!

Elizabeth: But not the brightest when it comes to plans.

Tora: Huh?

Squirtle: Excuse me?

Elizabeth: I'm just saying. You care more about your brawn strength then using your mind.

Tora: That's not true!

Elizabeth: Oh yeah. What's 290 x 230?

Tora: Uh... Oh man! I hate math! That's my weakness!

Elizabeth: (sighs) It's 66,700.

Tora: Oh. That's a big number.

Elizabeth: The pi has infinite numbers.

Donnie: Hm... I was thinking. How about we decide who is better? My genius daughter? (looks at Raph) Your strong daughter? Or (looks at Mikey) your creative daughter?

Mikey: Is that a challenge I hear?!

Donnie: Yup. A challenge to see who is better!

Bulbasaur: I like the sound of that.

Totodile: Yeah yeah yeah! Let's have a challenge!

Squirtle: Agree!

Midnight Lycanroc: Uh, do you think this is a great idea?

Tsareena: What's the worse thing that could happen during a father-daughter picnic?

The competition begins. It became quite fierce as the girls win each competition one by one. This goes on until the sunset. The three girls were now tired. Lying flat on the ground. Panting out of exhaustion.

Male Meowstic: So~ who won?

Donnie: (thinking about it) I don't know.

Tora: What? We were trying our hardest in those competitions.

Elizabeth: Yeah! Dad, was this all for nothing?!

Donnie: Um...

Mikey: Maybe.

Topaz: Maybe?! We've did all of this for nothing?! (groans) Good thing our weapons are at home! I would love to blow you into the sky!

Mikey: Now now. Calm down, sweetheart. This isn't about winning. This is about having fun. Donnie was just being sarcastic.

Topaz: He was? (Mikey nods) Oh~! So this was not for nothing!

They all begin to laugh and continue having their picnic until it's time to head home. They packed their things and head inside the Turtle Tank where Raph starts driving off.

Tora: Hey dad? Are you gonna teach me how to ride the Turtle Tank?

Raph: Not yet, my little princess. Just wait a little longer.

Tora: (groans a bit) Okay...

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