Dancing Fever

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The Mad Pups are in the living room of the Lair after doing some training with Splinter and Baron Draxum. They do training with Splinter and Draxum during the weekends while their dads are chatting about. They were watching a Lou Jitsu film until it was interrupted by breaking news.

Tora: Oh come on! Not a breaking news!

Squirtle: Especially when we were getting into the good part!

Indulf: (shushes) Quiet. I need to hear this.

Carly: This is Carly Balmeceda with breaking news. An audience who were watching a broadway show has mysteriously disappeared last night during a show. Police are currently investigating the whereabouts of the audience.

Elizabeth: A whole audience?

Jasper: Mysteriously disappeared? That seems suspicious.

Indulf: I bet this is either a mutant or a yokai. Either of them would do something like this.

Snivy: So I suggest we should investigate this ourselves.

Splinter: Good idea, my dear grandchildren. Go and investigate this! I have a feeling something bad has happened.

They nod and leave the living room. At the base of the atrium, the Turtles are doing their own thing. Raph is lifting weights. Mikey is doing a handstand on his skateboard. Leo is reading some of the comic books that he left in the Lair. and Donnie is looking through his phone.

Topaz: (calls out to Mikey) Daddy, we're going out to investigate the case of the missing audience!

Mikey: Okay, sweetie! Have fun!

Leo: Take a picture of a mutant for me!

Indulf: Why?!

Leo: Because I want to see it!

Donnie: Just be careful!

Elizabeth: We will, dad! Don't worry!

Raph: Tora, don't get yourself hurt!

Tora: I won't, dad! We'll be home safe and sound! (to team) Come on, team! We have a case to investigate!

They leave the Lair.

Leo: (sighs) You know, we aren't young anymore.

Donnie: You can say that again. I missed living in the Lair.

Mikey: (nods) Yeah... Me doing a handstand on a skateboard... Raph lifting weights... Leo reading comic books... Donnie going through his phone... This place is just full of nostalgia.

Tsareena: Right!

Raichu: It's like as if we never leave. But we can't stay in the Lair forever! We gotta spread our wings and fly off to a new place!

Midnight Lycanroc: But no matter how far we are, we always stick together like glue.

Everyone: Right!

|Broadway Building|

Maddison: Hello~? (voice echoes) Anybody here~? (voice echoes) Seems empty.

Tora: Okay, we need to look for clues. If you find anything weird, yell and we'll be right there.

They begin looking around. Looking for clues as to who or what could cause the whole audience to disappeared in one night.

Topaz: (blowing away dust) This place is so dusty! Do they even clean these broadway shows before putting in production?!

Jasper: Well maybe they do it if there's no shows.

Topaz: Still, they seriously need to clean this up. This place is gonna turn into a dust farm!

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