Maze of Doom

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Run of the Mill is the Turtles' favorite place to hangout. They would come here a lot to sit down and chat while eating pizza. Hueso Jr. has since been in charge of Run of the Mill Pizza due to Senor Hueso giving his manager role to him. Run of the Mill is packed as usual. Mutants and yokai alike are in different tables. Chatting and eating while having the occasional surprise explosion from Exploding Frankie. The Turtles are sitting at their usual spot with their children. This is one of the many ways they would do some bonding together. While they were waiting for the pizza, Leo was being his usual self. Trying to act cool much to the dismay of Indulf.

Leo: See that, Indulf? They think I was being cool.

Indulf: Uh yes, father. You were certainly cool. (sighs in embarrassment)

Raichu: Something wrong, kid?

Indulf: It's nothing, Lemon.

Raichu: Ya' sure?

Indulf: Yes, Lemon! There's... nothing wrong... with me.

Leo: Hm... Maybe you were just amazed as to how amazingly cool I am. Right? Right?

Without saying a word, Indulf gets out of the booth and heads to the bathroom.

Leo: Indulf?!

Raph: Um Leo. I think I may know what's wrong here.

Leo: Whatever do you mean, big bro?

Mikey: It seems that Indulf feels embarrassed.

Leo: Embarrassed?!

Donnie: It's so obvious, Nardo. Whenever you act cool towards people, he feels embarrassed.

Leo: Really?

Topaz: You must be blind, Uncle Leo! Do you need some talk from Nurse Feelings or from Nurse Delicate Touch?! Choose wisely!

Leo: Guys, maybe you're right about. But maybe what Indulf needs is some quality bonding time with the coolest dad around. Like~ challenging him to a race.

Donnie: A race? To where exactly?

Raichu: The Minotaur Maze! We can race to see who can get to the World's Greatest Pizza first!

Midnight Lycanroc: Are you insane?! Do you know how dangerous the maze can be?!

Tsareena: You have to be joking.

Male Meowstic: I don't think this is a good idea.

Raichu: Chillax, guys! This is the best way to do some bonding with Indulf! And besides, we aren't gonna let him get hurt. Me and Leon's got this.

The two stands up from the booth and waits for Indulf to return. Once he does return from the bathroom, Leo escorts him to the entrance of the World's Greatest Pizza. Much to the protest of his brothers, his nieces and nephews.

Indulf: Why are you taking me here?

Leo: Because I was thinking. While we're here, maybe we can do a race in the Minotaur Maze.

Indulf: A race eh? What's the catch?

Leo: A catch? No no. It's more of a bet. You see, we're gonna race to see who can get to middle of the maze the fastest. If I win, you have to get a haircut. Down the shoulders.

Indulf: (gasps) Cut my hair?! Father, you can't possibly make me cut my beautiful hair! It's my pride and joy!

Leo: That's only if I win. If you win, I'll buy you whatever you want. Just one thing you always wanted out of anything.

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