Love is in the Air

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Today is Valentine's Day. All throughout the city it was decorated in Valentine's Day decor. Many shops have half-prices for teddy bears, chocolates, and bouquet of flowers. Multiple stands are selling Valentine's Day merchandise like balloons and cards. The Bennett family are walking down the streets of New York.

Topaz: (sighs) Valentine's Day... The most romantic holiday of the year...

Mikey: A day where we show how much we love each other...

Together: I love Valentine's Day!

Jasper: Those two sure love this day...

Toiana: Well~ February is the month of love, Jasper.

Topaz: Mommy, daddy, what should we do first?! Can we do some face painting?! Or maybe get chocolates?! Or...?!

Mikey: (chuckles as he picks her up) We'll think of something. Just follow what your heart wants. It is Valentine's Day after all.

Topaz closes her eyes and puts her hand over her chest. "Listening" to it before opening her eyes.

Topaz: My heart says it wants some chocolate hearts with caramel inside!

Mikey: Then let's do that.

They both chuckle as they head to a candy store to get chocolate hearts with caramel on the inside. Meanwhile, a girl with hot pink hair and hot pink eyes is walking through the streets. She spots two people arguing with each other. So the girl summon her bow and shoots out two arrows which causes the couple to stop arguing and they hug it out.

???: Much better. No arguing during Valentine's Day. (walks away) Now who should be the next target?

Meanwhile, the Bennett family came out of the candy store. Mikey was carrying a bunch of boxes of candy.

Toiana: Why did you had to buy so much boxes?

Mikey: These are for my bros and my dads and, of course, my nieces and nephews! I have to get them or I would feel like a jerk not to!

Topaz: Yeah, mommy! Valentine's Day is about sharing the love to everyone!

Jasper: To an extent actually.

Topaz: Well love is love! No matter what!

The girl stares at the family from a distance. Overhearing their conversations from an alleyway. She quickly hides when Topaz turns to her direction. Curious, Topaz walks away from her family and then spots the girl. Topaz says, "Hello!" This causes the girl to shriek in surprise.

Topaz: Sorry about that! I didn't mean to scare you! I'm Topaz! But you can call me Toto! What's yours?!

???: I'm Pronoia. I'm a cupid in-training.

Topaz: You're a cupid?!

Pronoia: In-training! I'm not a full-fledged cupid! Not the slightest.

Totodile: Oh. That's cool! A real cupid!

Topaz: Are you here because it's Valentine's Day?

Pronoia: Yes! I'm here to spread love all over the city. You know, because cupids are known for spreading love? (chuckles) Anyways, I've been tasked of spreading love to the whole city before midnight.

Totodile: Midnight?! That's a lot of love you gotta spread!

Pronoia: It is... Being a cupid is hard work.

Topaz: Hm... Hey, do you need any help? I'm great at helping people.

Pronoia: That would be nice. I would love to have some help.

Mikey: There you are, Topaz! I was really worried!

Topaz: Sorry, daddy! I was just talking to my new friend Pronoia. A cupid.

Toiana: You're a cupid?!

Pronoia: In-training! Not a full-fledged!

After Noia explains her situation, and some convincing from Topaz, the three will gladly help Noia spread the love before midnight. So throughout the day, they find couples and Noia shoots arrows at said couples to spread love. She blows love energy to the animals who become infatuated with one another. They continue until near midnight where it is now 11:58 PM.

Topaz: Looks like that's everyone.

Pronoia: I don't think so. There's one person left. (points to a figure sitting on a bench) Over there.

They approached the figure and the Bennett twins immediately recognize it.

Jasper: TT? What are you doing here?

Tora: Eh? Toto? Coppy? Uncle Mikey? Aunt Toiana? What are you doing here? I thought you went home.

Topaz: We were busy! (sees a box of chocolates) Who are you giving this box to? Wait, wait, wait! Let me guess! You're gonna give it Dee?! (Tora nods shyly) I knew it!

Tora: But I don't know if he would like it.

Jasper: Of course he would. He's a nice guy.

Tora: What if I do something embarrassing if I tried to give it to him?

Mikey: Tora, it'll be okay. I'm sure Dai would love to have a box of chocolate from you. Believe in yourself! Don't give up due to fear! Follow what your heart wants.

Taking the advice from Mikey, she stands up and thanks him for encouraging her. So she head out to look for Dai to give the box of chocolates to him.

Pronoia: And my work here is done! Now I should head back to the Hidden City and-

Topaz: Wait! Before you go, can we exchange phone numbers? I would love to hang out with you.

Pronoia: Really?

Topaz: Of course!

Totodile: You're a pretty cool girl!

Pronoia: Hm... Well~ okay. I guess I can hangout with you.

Topaz: Yay!

The two exchange phone numbers. After that, both Topaz and Jasper begins to yawn. Mikey picks up Topaz while Toiana picks up Jasper and, after saying their goodbyes to Pronoia, heads home to put them to bed. Once home, they put the twins in their bedroom that they share. Putting them in their respective beds.

Mikey: Goodnight, my little cupid. Hope you have sweet dreams tonight. (kisses Topaz on the head)

Toiana: Same thing to you, Jasper. (kisses him on the head)

They leave the bedroom. Mikey turns off the light as the twins fell soundly asleep.

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