Twin Cousin Problems

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Indulf and Elizabeth has a... complicated love-hate relationship. They were both born on the same day but a few minutes apart. Making Indulf the older fraternal twin cousin while Liz is the younger twin cousin. The two love each other as cousins. But they also hate each other for various reasons. The two would often argue on a daily basis. The argument varies from Indulf touching Liz's stuff without permission to Liz taking Indulf's makeup kit when he's not looking. Usually Jasper is the one who can stop their arguments. However, this argument can't be stopped. In the Lair, at the living room, Leo and Donnie are watching a Jupiter Jim marathon. They had made a bet that whoever falls asleep first, the loser has to buy the winner a pizza from Run of the Mill.

Leo: Feeling tired, Don?

Donnie: Not the slightest, Nardo. I'm used to being awake for long hours.

Leo: Oh yeah. Well if you're feeling tired you can always take a quick na-

Donnie: Not gonna happen! I'm winning this bet.

Leo: Okay~... Leon will keep a good eye on ya. (chuckles)

Suddenly, they hear a commotion coming from the atrium of the Lair. The two quickly leaves the living room to see what's going on. Tora is holding Elizabeth while the Bennett Twins are holding Indulf. The latter struggling to let go of their grasp.

Raichu: What the heck is going on in here?!

Tora: Liz and Dulf are having a fight!

Topaz: Apparently, Indulf accidentally broke Liz's jetpack invention and now the two are seeing red! They're gonna kill each other!

Liz: Once Tora lets go, I'm gonna destroy you! You're gonna pay for breaking my jetpack!

Indulf: I was just testing it out!

Liz: Without my permission! I had told everyone that they're not allow in my lab unless I have given permission to do so! You're also not allow to touch my stuff as well without permission!

Indulf: What's the big deal?! You're a genius! You can make another one!

Liz: I worked my butt off on that jetpack! Do you know how much work I put into it?! And now you broke it! (groans aggressively) You know what?! I had it! I WISH WE WERE NEVER COUSINS! (runs off of the Lair)

Indulf: SAME HERE! I'LL PRETEND YOU'RE A GHOST! (runs into Leo's room)

Tora: Liz!

Bennett Twins: Indulf!

Leo: (whistles) This is one of the worst arguments they had.

Donnie: And I thought ours are bad.

Raichu: We need to do something. Me and Leo will handle Donnie 2.0! You and Donnie should talk to Indulf!

Male Meowstic: Good idea. But will it work?

Raichu: It'll totally work! Trust me! Me and Leon's got this!

Liz is in the park. Sitting on a bench where she was crying her heart out. Her hands covering her eyes as she sobs uncontrollably. Though she was still mad at Indulf for breaking her jetpack that she worked so hard for, at the same time she felt guilty. Guilty that she actually said that she and Indulf should never be cousins. As she continues to cry, a wild Roserade came out of the bushes. It approaches Liz and jumps on the left side of her.

Liz: (peeks to see a Roserade) A Roserade? I never seen one in the wild before. Did you hear me crying? (Roserade nods) I see... (sighs) You see, I got into a huge fight with my cousin Indulf... And I said something really stupid.

Roserade: Like what?

Liz: I said I wish me and Indulf were never cousins. (sobs) It was so stupid of me to say that out loud. (sobs) In front of everyone. (sobs and wipes away her tears) I didn't mean to say it. I was just really angry that Indulf would touch my jetpack and broke it. I worked so hard on it too...

Roserade: Then you should go back and tell him you're sorry.

Liz: Dulf isn't gonna forgive me.

Roserade: How can you be so sure? You have to apologize to him.

Liz: What if he doesn't want my apology?

Roserade: Well neither of you can hold a grudge against each other.

Liz: That is true... (hears Leo shouting her name) Uncle Leo? (stands up) Uncle Leo?! (runs and hugs Leo tightly)

Leo: Thank goodness I found you. (hugs her in comfort) I was so worried that something bad happened to you. (shushes her as she begins to sob) It's okay... It's okay... Uncle Leon is here... I know, I know...

Back in the Lair, inside Leo's room, Donnie is comforting Indulf who is crying uncontrollably. Hugging him until Indulf was able to calm himself down.

Indulf: Thanks for comforting me, Uncle Donnie. I could really use it.

Donnie: What are uncles for.

Indulf: (smiles then frowns) You know, I don't get why Liz makes a big deal out of everything. It's just a jetpack. She can fix it or make another one.

Donnie: That's because you're not an inventor. You see, inventors puts a lot of soul and heart in their work. When you broke Liz's jetpack, it crushed her. It really did crushed her. She worked so hard and then someone has to break it.

Indulf: I guess if you put it that way... I shouldn't enter her lab and touch her jetpack. (sighs) You know what? I'm gonna go and find her. Then I'll just apologize for my actions. I feel really guilty about this.

Donnie: I can tell. How about we leave this room and, when Liz and Leo returns, you go apologize to her and then patch things up.

The two leave Leo's room. They then wait until Liz and Leo had returned. Once they do return, Liz and Indulf looked at each other in silence. The silence ends after a minute when Indulf begins to speak up.

Indulf: Elizabeth O'Neil, I'm really sorry that I accidentally destroyed your jetpack. You worked really hard on it and I ruin it by my decision to play with it. I understand that I should've never went into your lab in the first place. All I want is to have your forgiveness and we can get passed this. I love you as a cousin very much. Even if you tend to overreact things.

Liz: I forgive you, Indulf Gainsborough. I didn't mean when I said I wish we were never cousins. I was really mad that you touch my stuff without my permission. But I was acting stupid in my part. So I'll forgive you and I love you too as a cousin very much as well. We'll let this slide for now. But next time, if you want something from my lab, please ask me. It's so simple. Okay?

Indulf simply nods and they begin to hug each other. Leo and Donnie looked at each and shakes their hands. Knowing that they did a great job.

Indulf: To make up for the mess I did, I, Indulf, will personally help you rebuild your jetpack as long as you let me do the test run! And after that, we can go get some pizza from Streetwise Dragon. Deal?

Liz: Deal. Let's go! (leaves with Indulf)

Leo: Speaking of pizza, we still have that bet.

Donnie: Oh yeah! We were so focused on helping our children I completely forgot!

Raichu: Not to worry! We can always start over from the beginning! This time the loser has to buy two boxes of pizza!

Male Meowstic: Deal!

The disaster twins runs to the living room to restart their bet. Liz and Indulf may hate each other from time to time. But they still have some love for each other even when they are arguing.

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