The Sickness Flytrap

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The Mad Pups are driving around the Shellraiser. The Shellraiser is a 2-story RV that Elizabeth and Dharma created together. It is green and cream-colored to represent typical colors of a turtle. On the right side is a painting of a puppy holding the word "Mad" (in red writing) in its mouth. The front of the RV is a shell-shaped cushion that can be open up by a press of a button. Underneath the Shellraiser is four motorcycles that has different animal designs which associates with the Mad Pups. The roof of the Shellraiser has a hatchet that leads to the cannon which is attached to the roof. On the inside of the Shellraiser, Dharma is driving while Tora is sitting at the passenger seat. The inside of the Shellraiser has typical things that any RV has. A long gray couch that is facing where the TV is. A small kitchen/dining area where they would eat or relax in. Bunk beds to sleep in. On the second floor, it's a different story. It contains a small lab for Liz to work in, a nursery room to handle the sick and injured, a gaming room, a weapons room where they store projectiles like bowling balls among other things, an ice cream machine, and a computer map of the entire city.

Dharma: So where are we going again?

Liz: We're heading to Central Park. There's a mutant flytrap attacking people and we must stop it.

Topaz: So what's the plan for this flytrap?!

Jasper: Hm... Well I think we should make it tired. Then Tora can use her cat claws to freeze the mutant flytrap. Making it unable to move.

Indulf: And then what should we do afterwards?

Jasper: Afterwards, we should put the mutant flytrap somewhere where it can't hurt anybody else.

Shacora: Then we can head to Streetwise Dragon so we can celebrate our victory!

Maddison: Yeah! Let's kick this flytrap's butt!

Topaz: Yeah!

Tora: This is supposed to be a serious mission. So let's get our a-game on and no fooling around! We need to make sure that nobody gets hurt! Understood?

The group all nod as Dharma reaches to Central Park. In the park, a giant mutated flytrap is swinging around its vines. Two of which are mini flytrap heads. Roaring aggressively. Its mouth was covered in green saliva. Once Dharma stops the Shellraiser, the Mad Pups hops off the RV. Preparing their weapons for the battle.

Christopher: Be careful. It looks like this one is gonna try to bite us.

Harvey: Right...

Topaz: Okay! Let's beat this creep!

They begin fighting the mutant flytrap. Making the flytrap tire itself out before anything else. They dodge the vines that are attempting to grab them.

Indulf: (slashes vine) This flytrap isn't giving up easily! I thought it would tire itself out right about now!

Shacora: (shoots out acid at the flytrap) It seems this flytrap has some resilience to it.

Topaz: Well we'll just have to hit it harder! (slashes vines) I'll just cut its head off!

Tora: Toto, no! You're not cutting its head off.

Topaz: Why not?! It would be much easier to do that then going with Jasper's plan.

Squirtle: We're heroes! Heroes don't cut people's heads off! Not even something like this flytrap here.

Totodile: It's gonna take us forever to get it to be tired! We should just kill it to make it quick!

Squirtles: Heroes don't kill. We're here to stop criminals and help people.

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