Night of the Weredog

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Indulf is half-turtle and half-weredog. He gains most of his powers from his mother. His enhanced senses are incredibly helpful in whatever situation the Mad Pups get themselves into. But his weredog side does cause trouble for him. Sometimes his instincts would take over him. Whether it's chasing after a ball or jumping into mud puddles to be covered in mud, there are times where he can control his urges and other times where he can't. One night, the Mad Pups were dealing with Chef Lavia who had stolen some powder from the Hidden City.

Indulf: Alright, Chef Lavia! There's nowhere else you can run.

Snivy: Just give us the powder and nobody gets hurt.

Chef Lavia: I need this powder for my latest creation. I refused to give it to you.

Squirtle: What a troublesome chef!

Shacora: Dulf, can you handle her?!

Indulf: Of course I can. I'm half-weredog remember? I can easily handle her myself.

Liz: Be careful you don't get scratched.

Indulf: I'm not gonna get scratched! Just shut up! (turns to Chef Lavia) Now then, I'll give you two options. You could either give the powder to us or I'll throw you in the water. Your choice.

Chef Lavia: (growling) You'll never take me alive! (throws powder onto Indulf) See you later! (leaves)

Shacora: She's gonna pay for that!

Ashia: Are you alright?

Indulf: (coughing) That stupid cat! Throwing powder on me like that! (growling) She's gonna pay for that! (coughing while growling angrily)

Harvey: What should we do?

Maddison: Should we follow her or something?

Before Tora could answer Maddi's question, Indulf suddenly goes after Chef Lavia. The others were confused by this so they followed Indulf. Meanwhile, Lavia was hiding in the alleyway. Hiding behind the side of a dumpster. She peeks to see if the Mad Pups were following her.

Chef Lavia: Whew... I still have some powder left. If I can make it to my house then I'll start my latest creation. (chuckles) Those Mad Pups aren't gonna... (hears something) catch me?

She turns to see a large figure in the shadows. It was huffing and puffing very heavily. Its eyes were red and its teeth were very sharp. Lavia became afraid of this mysterious creature. Shivering in fear as she feels its intensifying presence. Meanwhile, the Mad Pups are searching for Indulf.

Topaz: Where could he be?!

Jasper: This never happened before...

Snivy: Yeah! This isn't normal for him to run off like that!

Squirtle: Calm down... I'm sure we'll find him somehow. I bet he's still around here somewhere...

A scream can be heard from a distance. The Mad Pups quickly head to the source of the scream. When the arrived, they see a completely terrified Chef Lavia. Her clothes shredded from an attack.

Tora: Ohmigosh! What happened?!

Chef Lavia: A mon-mon-mon-monster appeared and a-a-a-attacked me. I was able to es-es-es-escape...

Snivy: A monster? Did you see what it looks like?

Chef Lavia: B-B-Barely...

Tora: Dharma, Ashia, Shacora, stay with Chef Lavia. Marigold, Xena, take care of her injuries. The rest of us are gonna look for this monster.

While the others are staying with Lavia, at the Grand Nexus Hotel, the creature starts attacking the Bellhops who are trying to stop the creature from destroying the lobby. Lil Mama steps out the elevator to see the commotion that's going on in the lobby.

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