Purple Hacker

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Out of all of her friends, Shacora is close to Liz. Not because she's a genius or anything. It's because Cora loves hanging out with Liz. The two would do everything together. Play video games, watch some TV, talk about their favorite things, etc. The two are very close. Whenever Cora needed help with something such as homework, Liz is the one who helps her out. It's a clear day at New York. Bustling as usual with many cars driving by and people walking through the streets. Elizabeth arrives at Dracoly High School. Cora has texted her to come to school in order to help her on a computer project. After "sneaking" around, she made it to the computer room where Shacora is typing on the computer. Liz smirks and puts her hands over Cora's eyes in a playfully manner.

Elizabeth: Guess who?!

Shacora: Hm... Could it be... Liz?

Elizabeth: You're correct! (gives Cora a strawberry-flavor lollipop) I got your text. Saying you need help on your computer project?

Shacora: Yup! I just need you to make sure I put in the codes right! and stuff.

Elizabeth: (moves Cora out of the way and starts typing) Cora, you're so lucky to be in school! My dad had to teach me everything growing up. So I never get to experience the high school life.

Litten: Well high school isn't as easy as you think, Liz.

Bulbasaur: What do you mean?

Litten: You have to deal with many things. Such as dealing with homework, dating, making sure you don't get into fights, and many more. It can be even stressful at times.

Bulbasaur: Oh.

Litten: Eyup. That's high school for ya.

Elizabeth: But still, high school is where you get to discover yourself. Being surrounded by intelligent individuals... with hopes and dreams... and having those beautiful satin purple jack- wait a minute! Purple satin jackets?! (eyes sparkling with happiness) Wow~, those jackets are so beautiful! Such nice details and many other things that I never knew I would like before! (starts drooling)

Shacora: Liz, you're drooling. You're gonna short-circuit something. (takes out a napkin and wipes away the drool from Liz's face) There we go.

Bulbasaur: Are they the kings and queens of high school?!

Litten: You mean the Purple Dragons Tech Club? They're just a bunch of stuck-up jerks who thinks they're better than everyone because they're so~ smart!

Bulbasaur: I wonder what they're doing over there...

Shacora: Don't think about it!

Elizabeth: Eh? Why not?

Shacora: They're just a bunch of jerks. They only care about their intelligence. Nothing more nothing less.

Elizabeth: But the jackets... They're speaking to me! They need me to wear it!

Shacora: Liz, resist it! (shakes her from side to side) Resist the urge!

Elizabeth: I'm trying... But I can't... I must... join their club... (stands up)

Cora stands up and begins pulling her. Trying to not let Liz approach the Purple Dragons Tech Club. But Liz was surprisingly resilient to Cora's pulling as she approaches the tech club. She clears her throat to get their attention.

Elizabeth: Hello there. You must be the Purple Dragons Tech Club right? I'm Eliza Bethinia. Inventor. Scientist. Innovator of the future! Very please to meet all of you.

Shacora: Eliza Bethinia?

Cashea: Eliza eh?

Elizabeth: That's right! I was just walking around and I notice your jacket. Do you have that in my size?

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