"Lilith, I do love you," Cassius whispered.

Lilith's cheeks blushed red, and she couldn't help but smile sadly. She hated the fact it sounded like he was going to leave soon, and she pushed him away as gently as possible about both of her hands on his shoulders. "you're not going to die. So, Cassius, I want you to promise me something."

"What is it?"

"Keep living as though you are not going to die tomorrow. Can you promise me that at least."

Cassius took a deep breath." I guess I can."

Lilith hugged him, then whispered in his ear. "I love you too, Cassius." She meant every word, and Cassius knew it. Lilith looked at Victoria, who looked away from Lilith; almost what she told Cassius was one of the worst things he could say to her, a face that read 'Why tgive him false hope. What if you're wrong. That will be your sin.'

  Lilith knew what she promised was risky, but she was willing to take on that burden for Cassius. Afterall she felt for the first time she would take on a responsibility that no one had asked or expected. It came from her, and her alone, which made it all the more precious to her. She always had to listen to what everyone around her told her, but this time it would come from her heart.

   They both let go of the kiss, and just then, Lilith got a phone call. She answered it.

  Cassius could see how her face never changed that composed professional look, her eyes looked away from him, and he could tell she was facing an issue.

  "Listen, the paperwork is on my desk, so if you could obtain those files and give it to them, then you shouldn't have a problem. And don't forget what I told you about family dinners regarding my mother. And if my father is there, I want you to avoid him as much as possible until you must talk to him. Make sure you report everything to me. Understood?" Lilith said through the phone. There was a silence afterward; then, she hung up.

   "Is everything alright? It sounded like you have a problem with your mother." Cassius said.

   Lilith's face remained neutral. She didn't want to give him unnecessary worry. "Everything is fine. My double ganger just needs to turn in some of my homework assignments to my family. It's very tedious, but I already finished it." She smiled, but once it looked like Cassius knew something was up, she didn't smile. "It's nothing to worry about—just some boring things I needed to deal with. But right now, I don't care about what's going on back home. Right now, I'm with you. And that is all that matters."

   Cassius looked uncertain. But he would take Lilith's word for now. "Alright then, if you say so."

    After a few minutes, the pegasus started to get rosy. Lilith looked down and saw they were at there destination but also noticed something else. "My pegasus are thirsty. So we would need to find a pond or lake nearby. So forgive me if it takes a bit longer to descend."

    Victoria moaned in discomfort, and Cassius looked at her and put an arm around her, sitting next to her. It reminded him of the time he would watch scary movies, and his mom would wrap an arm around him, comforting him the same way. "It's alright, mom."

  She nodded to reassure him. But the sky sickness and her fear were killing her.

   Lilith wasted no time and started to fly down despite there not being a lake nearby. It was selfish of her to keep her future mother in law suspended in the air any longer. Once they reached the ground, Victoria got up and opened the door fairly quickly and took a deep breath. It seemed her entire body relaxed, and her mental state improved significantly.

   Cassius and Lilith got off. "Listen, I need to water and feed the horses. How about I meet you guys real soon. You can text me when you have found someone, and ill come back as fast as I can." Lilith said.

   "That's fine by us," Victoria said, and she walked towards the other magic shops around. The place was clean, and the pathways were very similar in the high land park except. In this case, there were whitish-gray tile stones on the floor.

   Along with the air not smelling of swire and the sky was as clear as day, the blue sky felt refreshing, and many more creatures were flying above. The place was business and seemed filled within life.

   Cassius followed his mother as he looked back and saw Lilith holding the rein and guiding the horses to the nearest fountain. Cassius couldn't help but hate the distance between them; he felt unsafe for any of them to split. But he shook his head and followed along with his mother, refusing to look back.

Lilith couldn't help but smirk her hair covering her eyes at the fountain. Something hidden underneath there that no one but her knew about.

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