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I am a loner. Everybody assumes I am a weird, picky kid with a strict unattainable circle of trust. In truth, I am very much a weirdo but I am not fussy at the least. Nobody wants to be around me. I am a complete loner, my dad made sure of that.

We move around every two years. I have lived in almost all fifty states. At this point, most of our past friends think we're vagabonds. Our nomadic behavior has given them enough reason to think such of us.

My dad is an architect, or so I have been told all these years. I know he can be anything but he is certainly not an architect. I have overlooked this imposture all this while to save myself from any capriciousness.

Today we are moving to California. My apathetic dad informed me of this yesterday after school. Fucking yesterday. Can you believe this? I exploded and darted to my room. No matter how impudent I acted, nothing was going to change. I hurriedly packed up even though I hated it. I just have to get used to this. This is your life, Savannah.

I put in my earbuds, push my seat backwards and try to relax. I glance briskly at my dad who is busily fidgeting with his laptop. I put my sleep mask on and exhale loudly. I have always hated long flights so I usually sleep the hours away. It always makes me feel better as my mind wanders away.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" My dad asks. I roll my eyes and turn towards the window.

Of course I heard him.

I am still grouchy from last night. I will definitely get over it, but I have to be dramatic first.

He sighs vexatiously, his face beaming with feigned concern. "Sweetie, I'm really sorry about the short notice but there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. You know me. If there was anything to be done, I would have done it". He says.

I sit up abruptly, pulling down aggressively on my sleep mask. "Dad, I don't really care about how late you told me". I utter candidly. "My problem is, dad, I'm a fucking loner". He immediately covers my mouth with his hand and looks around nervously. I glanced around and a few people were looking at us with disgust. "Don't use cuss words young lady". He says with his eyebrows furrowed. I prise his hands away from my mouth and nod politely.

"I don't have friends, dad and it's all your fault. As soon as I get comfortable and start making good friends, you make us move. I am already tired of this way of life. I want to be around people for a long time, I want to make real friends. I don't want to be the weird, new kid anymore". I say scowling at him.
My dad's eyes widened. " Is that what they call you in school?" He asks as his eye narrows. I shrug and roll my eyes.

"Yes dad, that is what they call me. And do you know why they call me that?" I asked rhetorically. "Because I do not make friends. And it's all because I know even if I do, I will have to say goodbye to them in less than two years. And it would break my heart to leave. So I don't make friends at all and people hate me for it. They call me names. They think I'm arrogant so I get bullied all the time".

He looks at me cluelessly. "What?" He exclaims. "How come you never told me this?" He questions.

"Because you work all day, we barely talk. Even if I tell you, you wouldn't understand". I utter.

"I do understand you, sweetie. We're best friends, remember? I'm sorry you had to go through that, honey, but I really didn't have any option. It will never happen again, I assure you". He said softly. I roll my eyes and shake my head.


"That is my predicament, I will deal with it my own way. Don't involve yourself, it will just aggravate the situation for me". I warned.
"I will work exceedingly hard so California will be the last place we move to, I promise". He whimpers assuredly with a smile.

There is nothing to smile about. I don't know why he surmised that his smile was going to make me feel better.

"You said the same thing when we were moving to Florida, a year and a half ago".

"I know darling, but I- "

"It's okay dad, no more promises" I interrupt before he could make any more empty promises. I put on my earbuds and pull down my sleep mask.
"You will love it there" He assures me as I turn to the window absentmindedly.

"It's going to be long flight dad, get some rest". I finally say and let out an anxious sigh.
I had to gird my loins to accept whatever California had for me. I cannot say I am totally ready for California but for some eerie reason, this time feels different. Maybe I am in for a hell of a rollercoaster.

Hi guys, I hope you enjoy this book. I decided to change the whole story and make this one more suspenseful. The first "Five Finger Discount" is now "My Therapist" This new "Five Finger Discount" is a whole different story. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please like and leave a comment ❤️

Mimi 🦋

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