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As expected, they were able to leave after about half an hour. The officer who sat on the other side of the table, asking the five teens questions, simply followed a regular list and recorded their answers for further investigation.

Seungcheol's father, mister Choi, supposedly was one of the most wanted yet most feared criminals the police tried to get a hold on. However, since he was too dangerous to get closer to, and his location mysteriously seemed untraceable, no one managed to catch him nor any of his men.

Until today.

Seungcheol, still officially being his son, helped the police officer out by giving the location of the mansion his father owned, so the rest of his coworkers could be captured as well, finally warrping the case up for good.

However, Seungcheol wished Eric managed to escape the place after hearing his fathers plans. Because if not, he would be captured as well with a reasonable big chance of life sentence to prison.

On purpose, Seungcheol had left Eric's name out when they asked him for specific names combined with crimes they committed. Yenna, on the other hand, was one of the first names Seungcheol mentioned, hoping to finally get rid of her.

The police officer also offered Seungcheol a special form of therapy to treat his traumatizing past, it all being on a guaranteed insurance of course.

But he politely turned the offer down, gently squeezing Jeonghan's hand he had been holding onto underneath the table the whole time. Only seeing his angel-like face made him realize he would be okay as long as they were together.

The two never let go of each other, not even when they walked outside the building, sighing in relieve their horrible night finally came to an end.

"Hey Seungcheol." Jisoo called out, making Seungcheol slow down his pace and turn his head.

Jisoo's head hung low in guilt, clenching his teeth so he wouldn't break down in tears. When he finally found the right words, he looked up, forcing himself to make eye contact with Seungcheol.

"I owe you my apology." He instantly lowered his face in shame, staring at the tops of his new pair of sneakers he wore for his night out.

And what happened next was something none of them expected.

Seungcheol let go of Jeonghan's hand and took the boy in his warm embrace. A gesture of forgiveness.

"You don't need to apologize, what I did was wrong and I'm aware of that." Seungcheol reassured him, letting go to check if Jisoo was doing alright. But the expression his face held told him he was far away from alright.

"But what I said about your family. I should've thought twice before saying something li-"

"-Jisoo, Jeonghan didn't even know about that. I'm not blaming you for making a comment related to that, I might have said the same when I was in your position."

"I'm still very sorry Seungcheol.." Jisoo apologized again, swallowing away the rising lump in his throat. He looked back and forth to Jeonghan, who secretly admired Seungcheol from behind, and back to Seungcheol in front of him.

"I'll give you another chance Seungcheol. I don't think anyone on earth will give up more to protect Jeonghan than you did. I'm so sorry I judged you too soon." Jisoo's lips curled up on the immense delighted face Seungcheol pulled.

"Thank you Jisoo, I really appreciate that. I give you my promise I'll never do anything like this ever again."

"Pinky promise?" Jeonghan's soft voice from behind sounded, making Seungcheol chuckle. he remembered.

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