twenty one

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"Hey thanks for letting me stay here today." Jeonghan thanked Jisoo while standing in the door opening again, ready to get going and call it a night.

"Of course! You know where I live so make sure to stop by whenever you need it, okay?" Jeonghan nodded and went in for another short but tight hug. "I will, thanks again Jisoo." "Really, no need to thank me."

Jeonghan was the first one to turn around and to get going. He turned back to see the door almost closed and Jisoo peeking through it, happily waving at Jeonghan. "Bye bye!"


The door closed and Jeonghan walked out of the front garden again. It was around ten pm and Jisoo's parents were still at work, what was expected since they both had a late shift. Darkness started falling over the calm street Jeonghan was walking down on. The sky being painted in the most beautiful tints of blue, purple and pink, signalling it wouldn't take longer than half an hour to be pitch black and for the stars and moon to come out.

It was a beautiful scenery to Jeonghan and he decided he wouldn't go home yet. The beach was about ten minutes away, knowing how close Jisoo lived to his own house. Going there seemed like the best option. Maybe he could even text Seungcheol if he could come a few hours earlier. Instead of having to wait at least 4 hours in the darkness by himself.

Thinking about Seungcheol.. Jeonghan suddenly felt a rush of panic hitting him. After the fight he had with his mom he totally forgot to reply on Seungcheol. He hadn't been on his phone while he was with Jisoo either, so Seungcheol must be pretty worried, knowing how Jeonghan disappeared out of nowhere that afternoon.


living teddy: I was just about to watch a movie

living teddy: you can come over if you want to;)

Jeonghan mentally cursed himself after reading the first few texts. If he had just checked his messages sooner, he would have had a good excuse to go to Seungcheol..

Although he knew it was his best decision he went to Jisoo anyways. The conversations they had helped him clear up his thoughts and feelings about Seungcheol a lot. However, there still was a lot of confusion, but the idea of going with the flow brought him more at ease. He shouldn't think so heavy of it, if they were really meant to be Seungcheol and him would grow to each other eventually.

There was this one comment Joshua had made that afternoon that changed his whole perspective on the whole situation. 'he's healing you.' Jeonghan was well aware of the fact that he indeed was changing a lot. But in a good way. He grew back to the Jeonghan he used to be, only a better and fresher version of him. There might not be much to notice that already, but Jeonghan knew that going for Seungcheol would definitely led him on a right path.


living teddy: not to be some crazy stalker, but are you okay? you stopped halfway on a sentence, which you sent..😬


living teddy: han han?

living teddy: i'm so sorry, maybe you fell asleep again sorry i'm so overprotective:(


living teddy: you can't tell me you're still asleep

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