sixty four

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Seungcheol could barely see anything the moment his blindfold was removed. He was seated in the backseat of a black suv, completely unfamiliar on which location he was. The ride had taken so long, he couldn't even remember for how long he had been stuck in the car. The only thing he noticed when he checked the surroundings through the window was a brick wall on both sides of the car, meaning they were parked in an alley and the darkness of the night sky.

The brick walls were likely to be those of the building he had to commit his final job in. 

"Now, Seungcheol, listen to me closely, I will only explain the task once. Understood?" A male, around his father's age, who was seated next to him on the backseat, spoke in his monotone voice to Seungcheol. From the moment his father introduced him as the guard who had to secure him, just in case, Seungcheol knew he despised him. 

"Understood." Seungcheol said obediently, scared as to what the man was able to do to him. 

"You still have your gun I assume?" The man asked contemptuously. 

"I do."

"Is it loaded?"

"It is."

"Can I check it?"

Seungcheol tried his best to not roll his eyes in irritation or to contradict him, handing over the gun he kept in-between the waistband of his ocean blue jeans and his back. Effortlessly, the grumpy male clicked the magazine loose from the handgun, counting how many bullets were placed. 

"Well done, I underestimated you Seungcheol. My sincere apologies." His sickening eyes never left Seungcheol's as he aggressively pushed the magazine back in it's place, handing the gun back to Seungcheol, who snatched it from his hands. 

"Now for the job I have another gadget I want you to wear.." The man reached underneath his carseat, reaching for the little suitcase that had been standing there for the whole ride, Seungcheol assumed since he hadn't really seen anything at all. He placed it on top of his lap and typed in the code before opening it and revealing an object not bigger than his fingertips, barely visible when you take a look at it from afar. 

".. You need to wear this little wireless see-through earphone. This is an easier way for us to communicate, since I can't tell you the name of our victim just yet-"

"-why can't you tell me t-" "-don't interrupt me when i'm speaking!" The man, whose name remained unfamiliar, gave him a warning look before continuing. 

"The reason why I can't tell you the name is because it might be dangerous for you. If they catch you first before you actually reach the victim they will do anything to get the name from you. And with anything I mean literally anything. So it's better to not know what's going on instead of bringing yourself and most important, us, in danger."

who is they? why can't i know? how come they set me up on such a dangerous job? Many questions lingered through Seungcheol's head, but he decided to just go with it for now and accept the tiny earphone he was offered. 

"When you get out of the car there is this back door of the building on your left, you walk inside and mix yourself in the crowd. Remember to stay unnoticed, don't stand out by behaving differently than you normally would. Don't pull out your gun as long as you're inside, it might cause panic to the people and the police will show up in no time."

"When you're inside, I will speak to you through the earphone, giving you further instructions as to where the victim is located. Once you found him, you approach him from behind, there's no time to check his face because that'll make him suspicious. Grab him by the neck and drag him outside through the same door as you came in."

"At this point, this car will be in front of the building, so once you brought the victim to this alleyway, you shoot him and run away as fast as possible. We'll be right outside the alley. Understood?"

Seungcheol slowly nodded, letting the big amount of information he just received sink in for a moment. It didn't sound that difficult to complete. However, his hands trembled at the thought of having to place a bullet in someones brain. 

"I understand." Seungcheol nodded, building up at least a sense of confidence before he had to go inside. 

it won't take long. it'll be over before you know. your guaranteed freedom will be the price. and jeonghan of course. Seungcheol tried to reassure himself by repeating those words in his head over and over. 

"I think it's time for you to go inside. Me and the driver will be right outside the alleyway and remember, I can hear you, you can hear me. I'm turning the device on right now, tell me if you hear a soft beep when I push this button."

Seungcheol instantly shot up in his seat, reaching for his ear to pull the damn earphone out. A screeching sound terrorized his hearing and he wondered how much damage it caused to his ear. "Fuck." He grunted, plugging the earphone back in when the sound finally ended. 

He raised his head, eyeing the visibly amused face of the middle aged man who tried to suppress a chuckle from being heard. 

"Asshole." Seungcheol whispered, just audible enough for the man to be heard, as he violently opened the car door, throwing it with all force back in it's lock without an excuse. 

"I'm glad that I don't have to see his miserable face ever again after tonight." Seungcheol growled, kicking against a wooden tray that was placed against the wall.

"Watch your words. I can hear you, remember." shit  Seungcheol mentally cursed himself, unaware that he was indeed being audible for the man inside the car.

Seungcheol's heartbeat sped up rapidly at the sight of the door they talked about earlier in the car. this is it. He thought to himself. There was no way back at this point and he just had to endure what was about to happen next.

However, something seemed off. While the shady alleyway seemed empty and calm, the unmistakable sound of loud music came from inside the building. Was it some sort of party he had to intrude?

But without worrying about whatever he was about to run into, he got himself together by taking a deep breath, filling his lungs with the musty oxygen from the air that surrounded him, before laying a hand on the doorknob.

this is it.

Silently he opened the door, hurridely closing it behind him when he sneaked inside. Seungcheol was instantly met with the warmth that radiated inside and the variety off colours that lit up the swarm of dancing bodies being pressed up against each other.

It's a club?

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