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The moment Jeonghan woke up he instantly felt the same tingling feeling inside his tummy he felt a few hours before when he was with Seungcheol. Memories of their night on the beach kept replaying in his head and made him feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. With a happy sigh he got up from bed and threw the curtains open, enjoying the feeling of the warm spring sun upon his face.

What time could it possibly be if the sun was already so high up the sky. He turned around to check the time on the clock that stood on his nightstand and was surprised to see the digits on 14:00 already! The last time he slept so long was at least a few months ago.

But that made him realize how hard he needed his rest and he was glad he finally gave into it. Seungcheol really was a good influence on him. Thinking about Seungcheol.. Maybe he should check up on him to see if he sent him a text, because he felt fear thinking about he might have scared him by kissing his cheek that night.

But the moment he unlocked his phone a wide smile made place for the concerned frown, seeing the texts Seungcheol sent him.


living teddy: goodmorning little spoon


living teddy: i assume you're still sleeping:)

living teddy: i'm glad you are giving yourself some rest!


living teddy: sorry if i come off creepy but i really can't stop thinking about last night

Jeonghan's smile grew only wider when he started typing back while he walked down the stairs to make some breakfast. If he could still call it breakfast at that time..

spoon: hii cheollie:))

spoon: yes i slept until five minutes ago, thank you for showing me how hard i needed that

spoon: and in that case I'm very creepy too😳

The moment Jeonghan sat down on his kitchen table with a bowl of cereal the screen of his phone lit up again, viewing him a text Seungcheol had sent.

living teddy: so long! i'm proud of you han!!!

living teddy: so you're thinking about it too huh?

spoon: ehehe.. maaaaybe..

living teddy: you didn't feel pressured to, you know, kiss me right?

spoon: trust me, i absolutely didn't

spoon: i couldn't hold myself back and i was kinda scared i might've freaked you out

living teddy: i would be lying if i told you my heart didn't freak out;)

living teddy: so what are you doing now?

Jeonghan was typing a message back until he heard his mother's voice. He shut down his phone and looked up to see her standing on the other side of the table, talking to someone on the phone.

"Gotta go now, bye." She said happily and Jeonghan felt relieved she was in a good mood. What got ruined the second after when she hung up and her face dropped again. "Seriously Jeonghan, you're on your phone again?"

"Weren't you on your phone too when you were calling with your friend three seconds ago?" Jeonghan tried to sound as nice as possible, trying not to anger her again. What was nearly impossible since she got mad about practically everything that came from his mouth.

"Wow. Drop the attitude young man. Just go back on your phone if you're gonna talk to me like that." Jeonghan's good mood was instantly ruined and he felt a huge lump rising in his throat again, which he tried to swallow by shoving a spoon full of cereal in his mouth. His mom sat down on the opposite side of the table and went on again. "You know your dad-" "-mom please not right now."

Her eyes grew and Jeonghan knew he shouldn't have said that. But something in him snapped and he realized he couldn't hear anymore of what his mom had to say about his dad. He finally understood it was unhealthy to hear out his mom every time she started about it, because it was a subject she should not be discussing with her child. Jeonghan finally stood up for himself, because he couldn't take it anymore.

"Excuse me wha-" "-no mom. I can't take this anymore. You tell me everything what's going on between you and dad everyday again and it's unhealthy. I'm a kid mom! You shouldn't be telling me all this. I don't want to hear it anymore please. Do you even see that I'm not doing okay? Ever since dad moved out you haven't even asked me how I was one single time!"

At that point, tears already flooded down his cheeks. He couldn't believe he said that out loud, but he didn't regret when he saw the expressions on his mothers face softening. Was she finally understanding what she had been doing all that time.

"I can't believe you're so egoistic.." she said, the tone in her voice sounded dangerously soft and jeonghan would be lying if he said it didn't scare him. ".. you really look so much like your dad. How can you tell me to stop acting like that when i am the one who's left behind. Can't you be a little more respectful to me? Do you have any idea what I'm going through?"

"You know what, I'm out of here. I can't do this anymore." Jeonghan threw his spoon on the table and stood up, walking to the hallway so he could go upstairs to pack some stuff. His knuckles were white colored from digging his nails in the palm of his hand. He knew for sure if he didn't take the strength off it, he might start bleeding soon.

But he couldn't care and kept walking. "Of course you're running away. You're a coward and I can't believe I gave birth to you!" Jeonghan furiously wiped away the tears on his face, trying to hide his weakness. "Mom how could you do this to me? Seriously how?!" Jeonghan turned around, but seeing his mother right behind him with her arms crossed, ready to throw hurtful words again. It made him realize that he had to get out of there.

He knew it would be for the best if he left. His mother seemed to be unreachable and he couldn't bare to stay inside the house for any longer.

"It's like I'm looking at your dad. Get out of my sight I can't look at you" She hissed, what felt like a knife stabbing him right in his heart. Jeonghan couldn't believe the words she said to him and turned around, opening the door and throwing it closed again with all the power he had.

Tears blurred his sight and he felt like he could collapse in his place. But instead of collapsing he just kept walking. Determined to where he was heading.

Not to the beach this time. Or the 24/7 convenient store.

He wanted the safety he felt with Seungcheol.

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