forty four

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"Yenna. Kim Yenna." 

The name didn't seem familiar with Jeonghan at all. Perhaps she knew Seungcheol, since she came here to tell something important related to him. Something Jeonghan wasn't totally sure of if he wanted to hear it..

"I don't want to come off as rude or anything.. but how do you know me?" Jeonghan asked confused. His heart was beating rapidly out of fear and he barely dared to shift from his position, totally being caught up by her sudden appearance. 

"Like I said before, I'm here to warn you about Seungcheol. I know him and I saw the two of you getting pretty close, if you understand what I mean." 

"Wait, do you also go to Pledis High?" Jeonghan assumed she might have seen them in the hallways. Maybe she was one of those girls who tried to hit on Seungcheol and this was some sort of sick joke to pull on them so they would break up. 

"By far not. I'm not even from around here." Everything she said only made Jeonghan more confused. Couldn't she just get to the point and explain what was happening. "Maybe I should explain you properly why I'm here in the first place." 

Jeonghan who was getting visibly uncomfortable by her presence the longer she sat in front of him answered shortly. "I would appreciate that."

"Seungcheol is my ex boyfriend." Jeonghan felt his heartbeat stopping for a moment as it sank down all the way to the bottom of his shoes. "Right now he's just playing around with you because he felt lonely and he's planning on breaking up with you when he get's bored of it."

The entire world around Jeonghan seemed to stop at that very moment. What she was telling him couldn't be true. Right..? How could Seungcheol do that? He wasn't the type to do something like that to him, right? The chances that he had been lying about his feelings for the whole time couldn't be true. Jeonghan simply couldn't believe that. 

"Why would he do something like that? And how would you know?" He asked in a slightly panicked tone. 

"Because he recently told me. Seungcheol and I still talk a lot. Behind your back of course."

"Seungcheol wouldn't do tha-" "-Ahw, how cute to see you think like that. Jeonghan, you should start to accept the fact that your boyfriend Seungcheol isn't the person you think he is. Wait and see for yourself." 

She was just about to excuse herself and get up again when a familiar voice was heard right behind Jeonghan. "Yenna? What the fuck are you doing her?" Jeonghan crouched when he heard Seungcheol raising his voice, not being used to his boyfriend using this kind of expression. 

"Oh hey Cheol! I was just introducing myself to your boyfriend. Right Jeonghan?" Cheol.. she called him cheol..? Jeonghan who was still not aware of the whole situation just nodded, staring down at his hands in his lap. 

Once he felt a firm grip on his shoulder he looked up, meeting the always kind eyes of Seungcheol. "I'll be right back, okay? I'll make sure she will stop interrupting our date now." 

Jeonghan just nodded, seeing Seungcheol's gaze darkening when he walked over to the Yenna girl and pulled her up at her shoulder to escort her to the door. But instead of making her leave, he walked outside with her and they started talking, right in Jeonghan's eyesight. 

Maybe this Yenna could be right after all..

Seungcheol, on the other hand, was beyond mad at this point. At first he was having the time of his life together with his boyfriend. And then suddenly she shows up to fuck things up even more than she already did. 

"You gave me two fucking days, the two fucking last days i get to spend with my Jeonghan. And then you decide to show up and ruin that for us?! What have you said to him, huh?!" He yelled out the moment they stepped outside. 

Some people that walked past them gave them concerned glances, wondering why he was acting so aggressive and ready to help the girl if the situation got out of hands at some point. But Seungcheol couldn't care less. A man had to do what he had to do to keep his boyfriend safe, who was now inside the cafe probably feeling worse than ever. And Seungcheol knew he would put the blame on himself, because he was the one who came with the idea of a date and wanted to make it magical. 

But of course. Yenna had to fuck it up. As if she didn't do that with enough things in his life yet. 

"Come on Cheollie-" "-don't you fucking dare to call me like that." 

She carelessly licked her lips, twisting a strand of her green dyed hair in between her index finger and her thumb. "Whatever. I was trying to help you out here."

"Why is that helping me out?!"

"Because you have to break up with him! I just helped you with a good reason!" 

Seungcheol stared unbelieving at her. "You think that's how I'm going to break his heart?! You dumb fucking bitch! I was trying my best to give him the last two days of his life! This boy's parents divorced last month. Do you have any idea how heartbroken he is already? I get that you don't feel things like that, but let me live a normal life for two more days without disturbing me, okay?! I need to be there for him until the last moment!" 

For a moment her gaze seemed to soften, but it turned stone cold the second right after. "Just don't get too attached to him, nutsack. You're the one who is gonna have to break him eventually."

i'm afraid it's too late for that.. i haven't been this attached to anyone in forever..

"Yes, I know that. But can you please leave me alone now so I can finish my coffee with my boyfriend and cuddle him all day afterwards because right now he's probably very upset? Thank you?" 

Yenna scrunched up her nose and waved him away. "Just go back, you're hopeless. Love really is disgusting." 

Without wasting more time on her Seungcheol stormed back inside the store, automatically ringing the little bell above the door along when he walked inside, finding a lightly panicked Jeonghan at their table. 

"Who was that?" Jeonghan asked, instantly looking up to face Seungcheol, his golden eyes filled with fear. 

And Seungcheol knew, he was doomed this time..

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