thirty seven

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A loud buzzer went off and the classrooms of Pledis High ran empty. Students made their way to the canteen, or the library to take another study session before they had important tests, some went up to the roof to enjoy their lunch break more silently and some went outside to sit on one of the so many spots in their school yard.

The little friend group we have been following through this story sat down on a table outside, taking advantage of the warm sun and the chilly spring breeze, the perfect weather to be outside. They placed their trays of food they took from the cafeteria in front of them on the table before sitting down.

"The weatherman said it's supposed to be this weather for the upcoming two weeks!" Soonyoung said in his usual enthusiastic tone before stuffing his entire cheeks like a hamster.

"Maybe we should all do something together! It's been a while." Jisoo suggested.

"We literally hung out last night." Wonwoo commented in his usual dry tone, not showing off many emotions along the way. It resulted in Jisoo (who sat next to him) slapping his shoulder, before continuing about his ideas. "Not that! I mean going out to do something. You know, a little trip!"

His idea seemed to work on everyone at the table because a lot of enthusiasm and ideas about what possibilities they had were called out. "And we have to celebrate our new couple of course!" Jisoo pointed out, all eyes landing on Seungcheol and Jeonghan who sat next to each other, secretly holding hands underneath the table.

"That's nonsense. You're just using that as an excuse so i have no other choice than to come with you!" Seungcheol was the first to giggle about Jeonghan's defensive comment. "Hannie, they just want you to be there. Don't be so mean." "I'm not being mea-" But before he could finish his sentence got interrupted by a pair of lips giving him a quick peck. "You haven't eaten anything yet! Come on eat your food."

Jeonghan sighed and mouthed the words Seungcheol said to him, pulling a weird face. But despite the fact that he acted annoyed, he couldn't help but to feel butterflies roaming through his insides by the smallest gesture Seungcheol did already. "How can I say no to you.." He whispered underneath his breath, only audible for Seungcheol to hear, making the elder squeeze his hand gently under the table.

"So? Any ideas?" Jisoo asked to everyone around the table.

"As long as there's food I'm in." The emotionless Wonwoo said.

"FOOD!" Soonyoung yelled, sprewing everyone around the table with the insides of his way too full mouth.




Soonyoung only laughed silently, his energetic side dying down for the first time that day. "hehe.. Sorry.." He said the moment he fully swallowed everything, only to be followed by another four bites of food and his energy fully coming back. "AWNWYWAWYS"

"You're disgusting." Wonwoo, who was seated at the left side of Jisoo, leant back and smacked Soonyoung, on the other side of Jisoo, against the back of his head.

"You're just mean! Let me be!"

"Let's stop fighting and please just listen to me for once." Jisoo managed to calm the two boys, who behaved like little kids, down and went on. "Maybe we should all think about it and come back at the subject whenever an idea pops up?"

"I think that's a great idea!"

"Thank you Seungcheol. Finally someone who's normal in this group."

Jeonghan snorted and started laughing. "Normal? You're calling him normal?! Please get to know him." Seungcheol instantly pulled back his hand he had intertwined with Jeonghan's to playfully flick his forehead.

"Says you! Weren't you the one who wanted to clean my room the first time we met?"

"Interesting story, tell me more." Jisoo said, leaning his face in his hand palms.

"The first time we met we went to my place and the moment Jeonghan set foot in my room he-" Seungcheol got shut off by Jeonghan shoving his hand over Seungcheol's mouth. "That's enough! Yes, we met in a pretty embarrassing way but aren't you happy your room finally got cleaned? If it wasn't for me your room would have been a bigger mess than it already was and it would only become bigger and bigger and bigger."

Seungcheol, who managed to finally get rid of Jeonghan's hand, spoke up. "Does he do this to all of you?"

"Sadly.. he does." Wonwoo answered.

"Yah! Can't you be at least a little nicer?! I'm actually planning on keeping him, if you keep talking like that you might scare him away."

"I think at this point he starts to get used to it." Jisoo said, winking at the visibly annoyed Jeonghan.

"I hate y'all."

A little buzzing sound was heard and Seungcheol shifted his position, pulling his phone from his back pocket to see why his phone was buzzing. A call from an unknown number. "Ooh who's that?" Jeonghan asked, looking over Seungcheol's shoulder and being his curious self. Seungcheol had no trouble hiding anything away from him as he just lay his phone in front of him on the table.

"I don't know? I guess it's mister Park. You know, the owner of the house. I gotta take this one, it might be about when he's returning home." Seungcheol stood up from his place, leaving a peck on the side of Jeonghan's face before walking off to a more quiet area of the school yard.

When he was just a few steps away he took another look at his phone screen. And although he seemed calm on the outside, his insides flipped. The sudden amount of stress attacked him and caused a rush of nausea and dizziness and if he couldn't sit down any sooner he might collapse.

And all that because of a simple call.


He laughed sarcastically about the thought. Because he knew exactly who was calling him. And it wasn't mister Park, the owner of his house, or maybe one of the maids.

No, this was some serious shit he was dealing with.

With a trembling thumb he pressed on the pick up button and he brought the phone to his ear, speaking in the same sarcastic and cold voice he laughed in a brief second ago.

"Yenna. Long time no see. How's dad?"

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