Chapter 21: Deja Vu

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"I'm not in a state, Esme!" My voice rose an octave higher than its normal level, a hint of anger to it. I had never raised my voice at Esme before but everyone was treating me like I was a delicate little flower. "I'm fine!" My voice shook the room and her eyes widened in surprise. Instantly I regretted how I had spoken to her, I took one step towards her to begin my apology but then the dizziness returned, along with an overwhelming sense of calmness and exhaustion.


My eye lids fluttered as I looked at Esme in alarm. Had they planned this ambush?

My bag slipped from my arm and thudded to the floor, along with my jacket as my grip on it loosened unwillingly. Jasper was the one person I couldn't protect myself from, not when I was this drained already. I tried to fight it but my limbs were becoming weaker, my head and eyelids heavier. "Esme..." I just about got her name out before my legs gave way and the world disappeared.

* * *

"So you what? Knocked her out to get her to stay here?" Jake. A very angry Jake. So angry his booming voice shook the house.

It was a struggle but I managed to open my eyes and take in my surroundings. I will still in my bedroom at the Cullens' but I was in bed, under the covers, now wearing pyjamas. What had happened? I couldn't move, my body just wanted to rest and fall back to sleep, well my body thought it did.

"We didn't physically knock her out, Jacob!" Rosalie. What was happening now?

It took me a few seconds but my memory was a little fuzzy, I still had the calming/sleepy aura around me so I knew that Jasper was still directing his power at me. Had there been some kind of plan to pin me down and get me to rest, was Esme sent in as the distraction? She had caught me before I hit the floor, that much was certain... and she must've changed me out of my clothes and into some pyjamas. What I wasn't sure about was how much time had passed. When I arrived earlier today it had been just after 1pm, it was still light outside but everything had a darker hue meaning the sun was most likely setting behind the clouds. I estimated it was coming up to 7pm.

"You might as well have!" His voice held acid, what had I missed before I woke? "What if she had fallen and hurt herself or the baby?"

"I caught her, Jacob." Esme said softly, I tried to concentrate as I watched through the multiple minds, Esme moved closer to Jake and placed a comforting hand on his arm. At her touch Jake calmed almost instantly, the mother-son bond shining through. "She's not well, surely you can see that?" Esme encouraged an answer out of him.

Jake took one look at each of their faces, taking in the worry that resided there. "Of course I can. But you didn't have to-" He began, still teetering on that defensive cliff edge.

"We did Jake." Edward intercepted. Edward knew that if he chimed in Jake would take it a little more seriously. They were the closest out of all the Cullens - well excluding Bella. "She's in denial. She vomited as soon as she got here after her hunt and she was about to leave to go again. She's not strong enough. She doesn't want to admit it, she believes she's fine. Just like Bella thought she was fine." Edward continued, a figment of the burning man he once was swept over his features as he glanced at a very guilty and awkward Bella.

Jake straightened himself out, anger and fear now back in his voice. "She's not dying!" He snapped, his voice shaking the house once again. The Cullens remained silent, seeming to give Jake his answer. "Is she?" Jake asked quietly then, no more anger, no more agitation... just fear.

I wasn't dying. They were exaggerating because, like with Bella, the baby is an unknown and I am somewhat human. Yes, I am tired. And yes, my bruises are healing a little slower than normal, but I was still capable!

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