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Levi had only been in Elijah and Greyson's bed once, and it was when he screamed at Elijah and accused him of being a rapist.

Not a memory he was proud of.

Now, he couldn't get over the space. It smelled like Elijah and Greyson's separate colognes and the room was suited to both of their tastes, with one beautiful forest green wall, the other walls colored cream. An oak desk in the corner was littered with papers, and Levi assumed they were for Greyson to do work at home.

Levi went into the bathroom and found a huge walk-in shower with two shower heads as well as a soaking tub in the corner. He couldn't believe that he got scared and ran away without even investigating the beautiful room!

"I want to put a mirror in above the bed," Elijah purred, standing behind Levi as they looked into the mirror. "Greyson said we'd get one if you're comfortable with it."

"Why would you want a mirror above the bed?" Levi asked, giving Elijah a puzzled look. "What if it fell and stabbed us?!"

Elijah shrugged. "It wouldn't kill us. Plus, watching yourself have sex in a mirror is so hot," he said with a moan, before smirking at Levi through the bathroom mirror. "The Only mirror in our room right now is here in the bathroom, so you probably don't want to touch these counters."

Levi gave him a disgusted look.

The two entered the bedroom and found Greyson making the bed, something that hadn't been done that morning because they hadn't been there. He was the organized type and loved when things were in place, which had a lot to do with why he could run his business so well.

"I'm hungry," Greyson said, setting up a blanket on the bed. "We can go get some food from the kitchen and eat while you tell us about why you... you know."

Levi huffed.

He didn't want to talk, but he knew that he needed to tell the pair eventually. And, he trusted them, so he wasn't scared to talk... it was more of a fear of how they'd react and the unknown of what they'd do.

"How am I supposed to eat if I'm talking?" Levi asked, a weak attempt at escaping the conversation.

Greyson caught on and rolled his eyes to feign annoyance even though a smile was on his face. "Then we can all eat first before you talk," he said, grabbing Levi's hand to pull him to the kitchen. "Such a smart idea!"

Levi groaned. "Can't I just stay here?" he asked, not in the mood to explain his bandages to the other sins, who he knew were bound to ask.

Unless they already knew, which wouldn't surprised Levi too much.

"If you can talk and eat at the same time," Elijah said, agreeing with Greyson and giggling at the pout on Levi's face. "If not, Greyson can teach you. He pauses and talks while eating me out."

Levi choked on his spit.

"Careful or that won't be the only think you're choking on," Elijah mumbled, but Levi still heard him. "I'll go make food, you two stay here, bye!"

Greyson smiled at his excitable soulmate and settled onto the bed beside Levi. "He's really something," he said, looking at the door that Elijah disappeared through.

Levi agreed, leaning into Greyson's chest. "You both are," he said, feeling Greyson's hum of appreciation resonate in his chest. "And I'm still sorry."

"Soon enough we'll understand why you did it and you won't have to be sorry anymore," Greyson said, wrapping his arm around Levi and pulling him closer, careful to avoid his forearms.

Levi sighed and tried to will his tense muscles to relax. He knew that Greyson and Elijah deserved the truth and to know, especially because they wouldn't let him go, but he was so scared that they'd judge him or blame him for what had happened. Nothing that had happened to him in his past had been light or happy, so he couldn't even soothe the story with happy pieces.

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