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Elijah didn't ever hide the fact that he was needy. He loved attention from his beloved, and he'd never hide his resentment for customers when they got too close to his boyfriend.

Some of the women that came in to shop were very beautiful, and they often were attracted to Greyson, because he was simply entrancing. That often lead to Elijah going out into the main room and openly speaking about his plans with his boyfriend later that night, or he'd give him a kiss and pretend to leave so that the girls could see that Greyson was taken.

Or, it'd give Greyson the message that Elijah was pissed off and wanted him to be less flirtatious. A little bit was fine, but going over the top made Elijah shake with jealousy and have to resist murdering every woman who entered the store.

Currently, Elijah was hanging out in the break room, eating a breakfast sandwich and watching the cameras to make sure that Greyson wasn't being too flirty. He also decided that he needed to clean up the office, because the table was covered and getting fucked on the table was part of Elijah's plans for the day.

They hadn't done that in so long, and it was hot in Elijah's opinion, especially because it was proving to him that Greyson knew that anyone who entered the store had nothing on him. Or else his soulmate wouldn't have sex with him on the break room table.

Elijah continued to eat his meal, while Greyson helped a young woman find a necklace for her girlfriend. He could tell that this purchase wasn't one that pleased Greyson, because gay women often didn't fall into his trance, since they were attracted to women. Unless the woman was bisexual or pansexual, but Elijah could tell from Greyson's set jaw and piercing eyes that she had no interest in him or his games.

Elijah has once asked why it was so hard to make gay women fall under his spell but it was easy to convince and trick straight men, since while some "straight" men were secretly bisexual, some actually were only interested in women. Greyson had told him that most men he tricked were looking for jewelry from his expensive store to prove they were wealthy enough to afford the gems, and they were so willing that they were foolish and easier to trick.

Anyway, it didn't bother Elijah that Greyson seemed angry. It just meant that their lunch time sex would be anger sex, and it only made Greyson go that much harder. Sometimes, when he was home and whining that he was horny, the other sins would tease Elijah for being just like Lexi, more well known as Lust, but Elijah didn't care. Sure, Lexi had an extremely high sex drive and could last longer than any of them without trying, but all of the sins desired sex and would go to clubs to find someone to spend the night with, since only Elijah, Greyson, and Simon, or Sloth had their beloved.

Elijah finished his breakfast and threw away his paper plate before he began to clean up the room, moving mail and other files that were covering the table, taking the time to organize them since Greyson never took the time to do it.

Pleased with his work, Elijah then locked the door to the break room and stripped himself naked so he could prep himself for the sex he knew he was going to have. It was a simple fact of the matter: Greyson couldn't resist his soulmate, and true to his other name, he always wanted to be greedy when it came to Elijah, especially when the other man was so willing to give.

Elijah opened the drawer that he claimed for himself, the one that he filled with sex toys. He understood why the others compared him to Lexi, but he'd seen Lexi's drawers in his room, and there were several filled with toys, not just one.

He grabbed out his favorite dildo, but before he could start, a strange pull gripped his chest and a strange and wonderful smell filled the air. Elijah pulled up his pants, redid his belt, and unlocked the door to the break room. He'd only felt this type of pull once before, and that was hundreds of years before when he found himself on Earth with the other sins, and the pull was directing him toward Greyson.

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