[8 part 2]

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Welp. Kipo's been captured again, Wolf's eh..Fine. The Newton Wolves have no idea what to do right now, Lio's mad at Wolf for lying to him, Benson is nervous, Dave is a baby, and he's not helping whatsoever! And Mandu just went to get some berries for herself.

"Is our Alpha coming back..?" Carlson asked, his ears drooping down.

"I don't think she is.." Billions muttered.[Light Blue]

He got up, patting himself down. "Come on guys..We need to go to the backup observatory.." He said.

They all got up with him, removing the dirt from their clothing. "See you around humans." They all said, following Billions.

"Wait, you guys are leaving? You're not even going to go get Kipo back?" Benson asked, standing up as well.

"She told us to never come back. Alpha's orders."

"Well she's not your Alpha anymore then! Just go get her back! You can out number those stupid birds!" Benson huffed.

"He's not wrong.." Wolf mumbled. "Now that she's not your Alpha anymore, you can go get her back without her telling you not to." The girl muttered, jumping down from the tree.

The wolves looked at one another, waiting for someone to step up and say something. "He showed us around before he took Alpha! I know where almost everything is!" Carlson said, raising his paw.

"That's good to know." Wolf said.

"But should we really? We can get spritzed if we step foot in his palace." A wolf chimed in.

"Well, knowing how Kipo is. She's probably putting up a fight, so she'd be a good distraction so we can save her." Wolf mumbled.


Kipo snarled, glaring at the monkey who stood on her snout. "Want to listen now?"

She shook her head violently, the monkey falling off. She tugged at the chains, trying to get out. "Dart the mute. Now."

Kipo tried pulled a dangerous stunt. Transforming back, the darts missing her hitting the people on the other side. They all fell, hitting the floor with a loud thud. "You're extremely smart. How do you not have a partner yet?"

"Finding a female isn't so easy.." Kipo panted.

"Ooh, a female? We have plenty of those here. Would you like to meet one?"

"I have my eyes for a certain one.." Kipo responded, her tail standing at attention.

"That wolf girl I presume?"

The part-mute hummed in response. "She is quite cute, but not my type or age." Scarlemagne said. "If she was I would totally go for her."

"To bad she hates you."

"She hates you too. You left her out in the wilderness so you can fight a battle alone. One you knew you couldn't win! She must hate you for lying to her-"

"About what? I haven't lied to her-"

"What about your feelings? Have you told her about that? By the look on your face you've kept it hidden for awhile." Scarlemagne said.

"We've only known eachother for a few days..It's nothing.."

"What if she ends up with that human boy? With that crazy hat?"

"She likes me...I know she does.."

"But does she know that?"

Kipo flinched as she felt something stab her back. She panted, falling to the ground. "You've just provoked a dangerous cat.." Kipo huffed, just before transforming.

Scarlemagne cursed, knowing he messed up. Kipo snarled, kicking him against a wall. His people got up by this point, getting ready to start her again. The mute transformed back, the thing Scarlemagne stabbed her with finally having an effect. She fell to the floor again, hearing some groans and thuds. "Kipo! You're going to be okay.." Wolf said, kneeling down beside her.


The mute shot up the second she woke up. Kipo panted, looking at her surroundings. Wolf rushed over to the distressed mute, rubbing her jagaur ears. Kipo let out a quiet purr, her heart rate decreasing. "How..How long have I been out..?"

"About 16 hours.." Wolf mumbled, still rubbing the mutes ears.

Kipo put her hand over Wolf's, nuzzling in to her palm. "It feels good.." She mumbled, her purrs growing.

The smaller girl sat on the mutes lap, continuing to rub her ears. Kipo leaned in, connecting their foreheads. Her tail wrapped around Wolf's waist, pulling her closer. "Thanks for the save Wolf.." Kipo mumbled.

She smiled slightly, rubbing the mutes other ear as well. Kipo lifted her head up, her tail bounced up and down on the bed swiftly. "That's the spot~"

Wolf giggled, the mutes tail wagging even faster. "Cute." Kipo mumbled, not realizing she said that aloud.

She caught herself a second later. "Not that you aren't cute! You are! You're super adorable! Not just your laugh! I-"

Wolf booped her nose, the mutes face heating up. "You don't have to explain yourself.."

Kipo let out a small laugh, pulling the girl in a hug. "What's this for?" Wolf asked, hugging her back.

"Nothing, just another thank you."

"This the last one?"

The mute kissed Wolf's forehead. "That's the last one. Unless you want a different thank you?~"

Wolf pushed her away, her face heating up. "You're such a tease."

Kipo giggled, leaning back, pulling the girl over her. Her tail bounced on the bed every few seconds. Wolf held on to the mute, hearing the purrs grow. "You shouldn't be laying on your back, that's where you got hurt dummy.."

The mutes tail bounced more frequently. "Its numb, so I'm fine. You worry to much."

Wolf scoffed. "I'm not worrying-"

Kipo gave her a smug look. "Then what is the purpose of the expression you're making pup?"


The mute nodded. "Wearing wolf skin, and your hight? Makes you a pup, pup."

Wolf nuzzled in to Kipo's chest, hugging her tightly. "You're warm.." Wolf mumbled.

Kipo took out her paws, hugging the human tightly. "Courtesy of my fur.."

The mute purred, beginning to doze off again. The human eventually doing the same.

To be continued.

Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts AU. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora