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Kipo returned to the Observatory that day. Her allies were ready, and finally, so was she. They all got a full eight hours rest, and prepared. "Timbercat group four and five with me. One, two, three and seven, snakes. Six, stay here with the Wolves preparing final weapons." Kipo nodded.

"Mod Frogs?" Mrs.Satori asked.

"Go with Hummingbombers. You will scout around Las Vistas, search every store for meds, report back to the Wolves if you see anything." Kipo stood. "Oh, Hummingbombers. No kabooms please."

Boom-Boom gasped, "Boom boom! Boom boom!" She flapped around.

"No, Boom-Boom, down! We need to save all the nectar you got. Disperse, we meet back here in two hours."


Kipo glanced towards Molly, hissing softly and nodding towards the open space. Molly glanced over, drawing back, "...He's gone, go!" Molly pounced, jumping off the branch.

Three more Timbercats followed as well as Kipo, the five mutes crawling towards the stores. Entering one, they found it to be raided and nearly empty, most of the materials taken. Kipo stood by the entrance, glancing around as the others checked for anything.

A door, a hidden compartment, or even just a hint on where something would be. It didn't take long for the search to come up empty, so they moved to the next store, searching it. This went on for hours, all of the stores unsuccessful.

Kipo crept around the corner, lowering on to all fours, glancing around. She hopped behind a tree, holding her paw up. Molly pushed the cats behind her, stepping back around the corner. An orangutan huffed, glancing around, continuing through the mall.

The mutes waited a few seconds before Kipo waved them over, Molly and the Timbercats quickly following her. Kipo held her paws out, claws linked together as a platform. Molly hopped up, Kipo tossing her on to the ledge, Molly lowering a short vine, easier to climb up the wall.

The three other cats were tossed up, the four Timbercats linking paws, the one closest to Kipo holding their paw out. She took it, the link receding in to the leaves. "We couldn't find anything.." Kipo growled, crawling through the branches. "If we don't know what the first move is..We'll be finished as a species as we know it.."

Molly pat her back, smiling, "We'll figure it out. When has a cat ever given up in a war?" Molly gently elbowed her, going on ahead.

Kipo sighed, nodding to the other Timbercats, the three going ahead. The fluttering and flaps of wings made them freeze for a few seconds before they scrambled to climb the tree. Molly hopped up first, her ears falling back at the mega flamingos flew towards the now setting sun.

On them they carried humans and assorted mammals, many of which, were definitely out for blood. Kipo's heart sank when she finally caught gaze of the scene unfolding in front of them, swallowing. "We need to hurry-" Kipo uttered. "If we're not back on time he'll get us by nightfall-"

The light shined in all of its glory for a second before is dimmed, then a thunderous boom stopped the group. Molly fell to her knees, slightly covering her mouth, "We're too late.."


Kipo turned back as she reached the rubble, pulling away the rocks. "Come on come on-" Kipo stood, sniffing around, hopping to a different spot, lifting up the fallen door. "Billions!"

He whimpered softly, glasses shattered by him, "K..po.."

She pulled away the rest of the rocks, waving Molly over, "Where is everyone?-"

"G..n..e..Th..ey.." Billions sighed softly, leaning back on the rock under his head.

His side had a bleeding cut, one leg nearly shattered, the other only bruised, and definitely blinder than before. Molly bit off her flannel, balling it up and pressing it against the wound. Billions growled softly, panting quietly, "Urgh..That hurt.." Billions uttered. "Bringing back my consciousness though.."

Kipo moved his fur back, standing up, sniffing around. She didn't find anyone else, it was only Billions under the debris. If all hope wasn't already low enough, it sunk to the negatives when another thunderous clasp took the sizzle of the burning out flames.

The Las Vistas sign whistled as it flew up in to the air and crashed down in the city, cackling soon following it. "Let's do this my loyal subjects!" Scarlemagne cheered. "Destroy any mute you see enemy or not! But if it's my little pet, bring her to me! Disperse!"

Kipo scooped Billions up, glancing around, "He needs the humans.." Kipo mumbled. "We need to get him down there.."

Molly nodded, snapping, pointing to two of the cats, "You two take him there," Molly pointed to the other one. "You make sure no one is following them. Kipo and I will deal with as many as we can and lead them away."

They nodded, one taking Billions from Kipo, sprinting off. Kipo inhaled, opening one hand, clenching the other. She hit them against eachother roughly, her paws coming out, "If we die Molly, know I'm eternally grateful that it was you I fought alongside."

Molly scoffed and chuckled, "If anything, you're doing me a favor!" Molly pulled out her axe, running down the hill. "COME AT ME YOU PINK BALLONS!!!"

Kipo rushed after her, whistling. The flamingos perked, screaming at them and flying over. "Knock the riders unconscious, don't want too much blood on that fur of yours Mol!" Kipo grabbed the flamingos necks, crashing their heads against eachother.

She caught the tranquilizer, throwing it back at the monkey. He growled, falling limp against the (hopefully not) dead flamingo. Kipo jumped up, spinning quickly, her tail having the force of a brick when it landed on a human who nearly fell off the flamingo.

The mute fell limp in the air, crashing down in to the cushioned grass. Kipo grabbed the wires, said wires not supporting her weight which snapped on her. She landed on a flamingo, wrapping the wire around its beaks, tugging. It screeched, spinning around. "Hiyah!" Kipo scratched at its side.

The mega flamingo flew up, straight to his comrades. Kipo grinned, "I'm ready for you suckers!!"

To be continued.

Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts AU. Where stories live. Discover now