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Kipo did what she needed to while Wolf was asleep, got some cheese as she did, walking home while Wolf slept on her back.

But the day when Wolf woke up, she heard shouting. So she sat up, looking around, recognizing Kipo's room. She slid out of bed, walking towards the door, opening it and heading down the hall. She yawned, rubbing her eyes as she neared the dining hall.

Wolf leaned against the door, listening in, "Kipo this is dangerous! You can't do that!" G.B barked.

"I can and will. This is our safest bet-"

"No it's not!" Bad billions howled, silencing everyone. "Your dad asked us to watch over you even if you were in charge. He asked us to make sure you'd live longer than he did. He asked us to protect you!!"

Plates clattered as someone slammed their paws down. "You won't have anyone to protect if this war doesn't go as planned. All of us will die if I don't." Kipo muttered.

Wolf gasped quietly, the pack hushing up as they heard a sound. "Brother." Good Billions mumbled.

Kipo sighed, "Wolf. Come in.."

The human hesitantly pushed the door open, peeking in. Kipo moved away from the table, signaling to her seat. Wold walked over, sitting in the chair, Kipo standing by her. "You heard." Kipo said flat out.

"..I'm sorry.."

"It's fine. But like I told you yesterday, I can't keep your promise." Kipo pointed to the plans. "Molly is on lookout, I checked in with her the second I woke up. She's alright, but the rabid monkey is making more of his stupid serum."

The Newton Wolves looked to eachother, barking quietly before looking to Kipo. "Go on." Bad billions yipped.

Kipo sighed sharply, placing both hands on the table, lowering her head. "A human has joined him..And figured out how to better his perfume. She was our old pest."

The wolves stood, overlapping Kipo, obviously upset. "We should have killed her when we had the chance!"

"She's dangerous!"

"That witch?"

"A Wolf's nightmare!"

Kipo yowled, hushing the Newton Wolves, "Shouting gets us nowhere." Kipo hissed softly. "We have a plan. We go over it. Check in with Molly. Then we drop off Wolf before we leave. Understood?"

"What--" Wolf looked up at Kipo.


"I'm not leaving you!"


"After everything that's happened you know I'm capable! I-"

"HAVE NO SAY IN THE MATTER!" Kipo shouted, sitting Wolf back down. "I have no control over you, I know that. But I am also not going to protect you the entire time." Kipo sighed. "A war is at our doorstep, Wolf. We have to be prepared to jump into action at any moment. I can't waste those seconds trying to make sure you're alright."

Wolf glanced back down at the map, shrinking in her seat. Kipo let out another sigh, picking Wolf up, taking a seat, then sitting Wolf in her lap. "I'm sorry for shouting at you Pup, but this is serious.." Kipo rubbed her shoulder, pointing to the map. "Our first mission. Talk to the Mod Frogs."


"Thank you Mrs.Satori," Kipo sat on the lily pad. "Sorry for the inconvenience in your schedule, but this is far more important. As I said before, I am Kipo of the Newton Wolves."

Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts AU. Where stories live. Discover now