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A week later.

Kipo walked down the street, looking for resources, having a bag already with her. She looked around, her ears perking up. She yelped pushing the person off of her. She snatched her bag, booking it down the street. "AH! GO GET HER!" Wolf shouted, trying to catch up to her.

Kipo called out her paws, jumping up the tree to avoid the wolves below her. They all barked, trying to jump up the tree. Kipo whistled, a black mega flamingo flying by. She jumped on him, the wolves and other humans groaning. "We've been doing this for a week straight! How is she still not out of his palace!?" Benson shouted.

Wolf clenched on to Stalky. "I don't know..But I know it has to do something with the weapon that monkey used on her.."


"I'm back!" Kipo called out, getting off the Mega Flamingo.

Scarlemagne looked over at her, waving her over. Her tail swayed from side to side slowly as she went to sit beside him on the piano. "You know how to play correct?"

Kipo nodded, placing the bag down beside her seat. She cracked her knuckles and began to play an old ragtime song she memorized a few years back. Scarlemagne followed her lead, copying her up on the higher notes. Kipo stopped abruptly, looking around. "Go ahead and check it out."

She got up, calling out her paws and climbing up the tree. She jumped up to the canopy, a Mega Flamingo there, with a paper in it's talon. She took it, putting it in her mouth and heading back down. She crawled over to Scarlemagne, the monkey opening the letter. "We have somewhere to be, let us go! Nobles! Come now!" He snapped.


Kipo scouted the surrounding area up above on the branches, getting a head start to Timbercat Village. She jumped back down a few feet in front of Scarlemagne. "No defenses, so we should leave most of the flamingos here as to not frighten them."

Scarlemagne pat her head, the half mute letting out a short purr. He did as she said, walking to the cats Village. "Afternoon Scarlemagne. Our leader is just this way, follow me." A white cat said, leading the way.

After a bit of walking, they arrived, a few nobles guarding Scarlemagne. "We have noticed some movement in the streets for your pet." A grey cat with purple eyes said.

"What kind of movement?"

"Humans have been spotted lurking around your palace and seen trying to capture her. Has she not informed you?"

Kipo's ears went back a bit, her tail wrapping around her waist. The monkey looked over at her, his eyes narrowing. "We will be speaking once we arrive back at the palace. Anything else Mr.Hammerpaw?"

Kipo's ears went farther back and down, Scarlemagne speaking with the alpha cat. She felt like something bad was going to happen. And she was probably right..


"Why have you not informed me Kipo?" Scarlemagne asked in a bitter tone.

"I didn't want to worry you sir.."

He scoffed. "Keeping secrets is highly forbidden. You know what happens when you break one of your rules."

Kipo cowered, taking a step back. She whimpered, backing up on all fours as Scarlemagne neared.

Everyone for at least a mile around could hear loud yelps from the palace, no one caring for the mute at all..

The next day.

Kipo walked down the street, covering the right side of her cheek with her hair. Her ears perked up, scanning the area and following the noise. She was tackled once more, Wolf getting ready to stab her with Stalky, but something stopped her. Guilt. Utter guilt hit her when she saw Kipo's cheek.

The pink half mute looked away, Wolf putting her hand on Kipo's cheek. She emitted a purr, her ears relaxing a bit. The Newton Wolves surrounded her, Mandu cutting through the crowd. Kipo had a long rash on her cheek, looking more like a scratch mark actually.

Wolf got off her, Kipo sitting up. Her tail did this wave move on the floor, her ears falling back. Kipo looked at the crowd, her eyes a faded pink but more cat-like. Billions [Light Blue] stepped in the ring, kneeling down beside Kipo. He examined her, checking for any other wounds or devices.

He moved her hair back, the jaguar letting out a quiet snarl. He checked her neck, a thin collar around it. He snapped it in half, Kipo's eyes contracting. She flinched, feeling her neck. Mandu squealed, getting in her lap and pawing at her chest. "Hey piggy.." Kipo mumbled, rubbing her eyes.

She squealed again, her curly tail wagging swiftly. "Ugh my head.." Kipo mumbled, running her hand through her head. "Why am I so hungry..? And why are you all staring at me like I left for a week..?"

Billions [Light Blue] helped her up, the half-mute staggering back. He checked her eyes, gaining a bit of its color. Carlson hugged her leg, Kipo holding on to Billions to keep herself up. "I want a bed..And maybe something to eat.." Kipo mumbled, patting Carlson's head.

He yipped, his tail wagging swiftly.


Kipo had gotten a checkup before she could eat, wanting to eat Mandu so badly. 'It's been so long since I've had pork~ But I can't- She's such a good piggy-'

Mandu squealed, making Kipo feel really guilty for wanting to eat such a sweet..Juicy..No! Billions discharged her, about to speak up, but Kipo bolted out of the room and went to the dining hall. She pushed the doors open, looking around. She spotted Wolf, eating in her assigned seat.

Kipo pounced on the backing of Wolf's chair. Her tail stroked Wolf's hair, the human flinching. She looked up at Kipo, the mute letting out a purr. "Can I have some?"

Wolf pat the chair beside her, Kipo immediately taking it. Wolf poked at her food, moving the fork over to Kipo. The mute happily eating it, her purrs growing. She nuzzled Wolf, sitting in her chair with her. Kipo nudged her, Wolf poking another piece of her food and offering it to Kipo.

The mute rested her head on Wolf's shoulder, opening her mouth for more food. Wolf giggled, poking another piece of her meal, giving it to Kipo. "Meowrrr~" Kipo trilled, her tail wagging.

Wolf kissed her cheek, leaving the mute dumbfounded. She burried her face in her palms, her tail making a heart in the air.

To be continued.

Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts AU. Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum