[11 part 2]

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Kipo finally stepped out of the kitchen with Molly, both silent as they approached the Newton Wolves. "Is everything alright Kipo?" Good Billions asked.

"Yes, we just have to wait for an approval." The pink mute nodded, glancing at Molly.

The white cat walked over to her cat in charge, Wolf going over to Kipo, the pink mute looking away from her. "I do not wish to speak to you at the moment." Kipo mumbled.

"Yes you do, I can see it on your face. Why are we doing this?" Wolf hissed.

"Because, Wolf, I have people I want to protect and respect. Unlike some people.." Kipo muttered, glancing at the smaller human.

"Are you still mad at me for barging in the middle of the meeting?"

"Who's to say I'm not? Wolf, listen, as an alpha, I get to decide who stays in the pack. I get to choose all the rules, and one of them, if you even cared to learn them, was to respect everyone's personal boundaries alright? I just wanted you to follow the one thing I asked of you, but you go against it and interrupt our meeting. Go wait outside with your pack." Kipo hissed, looking back at Billions.

Molly came back, whispering with Kipo and both Billions, Wolf clicking her tounge, leaving the room and waiting outside.


When they finished talking, making plans, and explaining some things, they all left the room. "I'll come back tomorrow so we can decide on a few more things, until then, stay safe you guys." Kipo bowed, turning on her heel and walking towards the door

The Newton Wolves followed, the doors closing behind them, "Kipo-"

"Mr.Oak, I'd like to talk with you privately." Kipo interrupted, walking past Wolf.

"Is it serious?"

"Yes, very."

He nodded, "Benson, you're in charge while I'm gone."

"Yessir." He saluted.

Nice Billions walked over to the temp alpha, speaking with him, Benson nodding and talking back, having a conversation.

Later on, back home, Lio approached his pack, "We're leaving."

They all stared at him in shock, mouths agape, "Excuse me?" Wolf scoffed.

"We're leaving." Lio repeated. "We can come back, but we need to leave."

"Is everything alright?" Benson asked.

"Timbercats saw a giant monkey, she's feral and attacking the others. Kipo knows we can help, but doesn't want to risk anything and wants us to stay in the burrow." Lio sighed. "We have to leave."

"You guys can go, I'll stay." Wolf muttered.

"Kipo wants you to leave along with us. She needs Dave to stay though. Since he's immortal and is technically a siren when he screams, Kipo thinks he can help confuse the mute."

Dave pat Benson's head, jumping off his shoulder and going over to the door, "See ya loosers." He saluted, reaching for the doorknob.

He let his hands fall to his sides, looking back at Lio, the male opening the door for him. Dave saluted once more, bunking in to the door, then quickly leaving. "Well, let's get going. We have to go make sure everything is okay in the burrow and see if anything has changed."

Mandu squealed, nudging Lio's leg, the male picking her up, "Then we come back?" Benson asked. "These wolves are pretty chill Lio, some could help in the burrow."

"Yes that was the plan." Kipo said, entering the room, dropping Dave in front of them. "You're a weird asset to the pack David..Four of our wolves are going with you, they're the youngest but do know how to fight."

Dave sat up, rubbing his head and glaring up at Kipo, "Just four?" Lio asked.

"Hm. One of them is Carlson, I love him and all, but he can't control his bite yet and he'll get hurt if he dares to attack the monkey." Kipo muttered, pushing Dave away with her foot.

"Hey! Watch it!" Dave huffed.

"You'd be a nice soccer ball David."

"It's Dave. Just, Dave."

"Well Just Dave, you'd be a nice volley ball too. The wolves would happily chew you to bits." Kipo said, her tail picking him up by his arm. "Though you are fairly squishy, do you pop or?"

"HEY WOAH WOAH– WATCH THE ARMS GIRL–" Dave exclaimed, waving her off.

Kipo dropped him, her tail shooing him away, "You're kicking us out?" Wolf muttered.

"Think of it as a temporary time away from us. The Mega Monkey is one not to be messed with. I can handle it, but if any of you get hurt, your people will hold me accountable for it and come after us. Billions ran the numbers, we'd absolutely die if you did as well."

Dave hit Kipo's foot, the mute kicking him away and towards the wall. He hit it, sounding like a squeaky toy when he made contact with it, falling to the floor, another squeak. A few wolves peeked in, their tails wagging furiously, "Toy?"



They yipped, Kipo blocking the door, Dave rubbing his head, "Calm down! It's just a bug!" Kipo hissed.

They barked, trying to get over her, "Toy toy toy!"


They overpowered her, pushing her down, rushing over to Dave, all pouncing on him. Kipo's tail drooped down, the pink human sighing heavily, "Dogs.."

                     To be continued.

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