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Wolf groaned as she awoke, reaching out for Kipo, but felt nothing. She jolted up, looking around. "Kipo--"

She was in the burrow. Wolf pushed the covers off herself, hopping off the bed, rushing out of the room. "Lio-"

"Huh?" He looked back. "Morning Wolf."

"Where's Kipo-"

He flinched, "Straight to the point." He sighed, placing the spatula down. "She returned to the Observatory this morning. Dave went, Benson tried, now he's eating ice cream."

Wolf clicked her tounge, "She lied."

"To protect you." Lio pat the table. "Come sit, eat breakfast. We can talk after."

"She's your daughter Lio! You don't care that she's risking her life to fight in a war she shouldn't even be handling?" Wolf scoffed.

Lio shrunk slightly, "I know..But I wasn't there for her Wolf, I can't tell her what to do. She was raised by someone who wasn't me." Lio spoke. "And she's happier without Song and I. All we can do, is support her. You should too. Today's your last chance to say your goodbyes. She won't be returning home.." He stood quietly, and walked off.

Wolf gripped nothing, clicking her tounge before she put both hands on her head and let out a soft sob. How it hurt to be weak..


Kipo flipped the switch, glancing up at the light before turning it off and checking it off her list. "Kipo!"

"Yes Billions?" She glanced over at him.

"Umlat Snakes are ready."

She nodded, "Go play for now, we'll make our commute." Kipo placed the clipboard down, unclipping her cape.

Billions rushed out, a squeak soon following it and a snake praising him after. Kipo walked towards the books, hopping up on the shelf, peeking out the window. "Eleven..Mm.." Kipo sighed, rubbing her eyes. "I'm such a douche.."

"You are." Munching followed the voice, then a burp.

Kipo narrowed her eyes, glaring back, "David the Bug, I am appaled on why I brought you here. But please for the love of Mute stop eating in here--"

Dave flinched, "Bringing the mute in huh?"

"It was a toxin. But the Wolves believe it was a god who brought them in to being. I've done my research. And I regret what I've learned." Kipo sighed, looking out the window again. "..."

Dave burped quietly, rolling up his trash and eating it, "Care to explain Boss?" He teased.

Kipo glanced down at him, "I don't think you can handle it."

"Try me."

"Well, I have a cure, first of all." Kipo began. "But..I found out who started it..And it.." Kipo shuddered. "Nevermind, I don't like talking about it..Come on, we have to make some preparations."


Kipo hesitantly knocked on the stone, glancing back at all the snakes and cats. Two knocks followed her's, Kipo knocking once more. The wall opened up, Hoag frowning and moving aside. "How many.."

"Seventeen eggs. Three snakes, two cats. The Snakes agreed to care for all the kids, Cats will try and help with crops and housing."

Several snakes slithered in, carrying with them a few eggs each, "This way then.." Hoag led them towards an empty cart.

Cats followed with eggs as well, a pair bringing a nest with them. Kipo waited outside, listening to the quiet halls of the burrow. Twenty minutes later, those who weren't staying came out, said goodbye to Hoag, and left. Kipo clenched her fist, glancing back at the mutes, "Can you guys wait a minute or two?"

The mutes looked at eachother, nodding. Kipo rushed in to the burrow, sniffing the air, running down and past people. She turned left, jogging lightly to a small park. Her ears fell back, Kipo snarling quietly. "Benson.."

He rubbed Wolf's shoulder gently, leaning his body against hers. "Any better?" Benson asked.


Kipo stomped over, growling, "You better have a good excuse for touching my Pup Benson.."

Wolf shot up, standing on the bench and hugging Kipo. Benson stood, shuffling away before running off, Kipo sitting down at the bench. "Hey Wolfie.."

"Kipo..--" Wolf sobbed.

"I'm sorry I left Wolf. I had to-"

Wolf weakly beat at Kipo's chest, shaking her head, "Don't leave-- Don't leave Kipo--"

"I have to. I promise Wolf, I'll try what I can to come back to you--" Kipo squeezed the human. "If I come back dead you're free to steal my stuff- If I come back alive, well-- You're going to stay with me forever-"

Wolf sniffled, her hand dragging down Kipo's back a bit, "You'll take every precaution?"

"I promise."

"You won't pull a Kipo on me will you..?"

The mute laughed, "I'll try not to. I'll do my best Wolf, I'll try to come back to you."

Wolf hiccuped, "I need you to come back Kipo..- I need you back-- Please don't do anything stupid--"

Kipo stood, sitting Wolf down on the bench, "Like I said, I'll try, for you." Kipo kissed her head. "I promise, Wolf."

                  To be continued.

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